Five staff members are granted academic advancement

Three are advanced to the position of associate professor and two to the position of professor
Five staff members are granted academic advancement

Five academic staff members are granted academic advancement from 1 July this year.

Academic staff of the University of Akureyri can apply annually for academic advancement. The assessment of applications is the responsibility of the University Evaluation Committee, and shall be based on the Evaluation Committee’s overall academic assessment of performance and effectiveness in research, teaching, administration and services to the University and society in accordance with the relevant University Regulations.

Subsequently, the Rector of the University determines, on the basis of the conclusions of the Evaluation Committee, whether to confer academic advancement.

Academic advancement is conferred on the following:

School of Health, Business and Natural Sciences:


Dr. Deniz Harputlu is granted academic advancement to the position of associate professor of nursing at the Faculty of Nursing

School of Humanities and Social Sciences:


Dr. Elín Díanna Gunnarsdóttir is granted academic advancement to the position of professor in psychology at the Faculty of Psychology


Dr. Kristín Margrét Jóhannsdóttir is granted academic advancement to the position of associate professor of linguistics, Icelandic and language teaching at the Faculty of Education


Dr. Mehmet Harma is granted academic advancement to the position of professor of psychology at the Faculty of Psychology


Dr. Sigríður Margrét Sigurðardóttir is granted academic advancement to the position of associate professor in education at the Faculty of Education


The University of Akureyri wishes to express its sincere congratulations to those staff members on the occasion of their academic advancements and success in their academic work.