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The University of Akureyri offers a comprehensive range of quality programmes in multiple fields of study
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The University of Akureyri offers a comprehensive range of quality programmes in multiple fields of study
The aim of the University of Akureyri is to ensure for its employees competitive wage terms, job conditions and work facilities so that the University can attract qualified employees who thrive and develop in their work. Wages shall always be determined on the basis of objective and transparent measures so that there is no unfair wage difference between identical or equally valuable positions. The equal pay system shall ensure consistency in determination of wages and fair grouping into salary grades.
As the most senior administrators, the University Council and Rector are ultimately responsible for the Wage Strategy. The Director of Quality and Human Resources is responsible for the Wage Strategy being enforced and for employees and administrators of the University being familiar with the Strategy.
To enforce the Equal Pay Strategy, the University commits to documenting, implementing, maintaining and continually improving the management of the equal pay system according to the requirements of the standard, as well as determining how its requirements will be fulfilled. The equal pay system is to ensure that wage decisions are based on objective viewpoints and do not consist in direct or indirect gender discrimination.
To enforce the objectives of the Equal Pay Strategy, the University will:
The Equal Pay Strategy is and will always be an integral part of the Wage Strategy of the University of Akureyri.
Approved in a meeting of the University Council on 24 October 2019.