PhD position at the University of Akureyri (UNAK)

UNAK campus

We are looking for a highly committed, enthusiastic doctoral candidate for a 3-year position within the AEGEUS study.

This project has received funding from the European Union, Horizon Europe Programme, Grant Agreement No 101099210. The overall goal of AEGEUS is to develop a radically new diagnostic and therapeutic device for neurological applications that combines a highly innovative ultrasound component for brain imaging and focused stimulation of brain regions with advanced electrophysiological measurements of neural activity. The team at UNAK will be among the first to test this novel device. The student is expected to start the position in August 2025.

The hosting University is the University of Akureyri (UNAK) in Northern Iceland. The project started in spring 2023 and the work in the laboratory at UNAK will start in 2025 in close collaboration with the partners in the ERC consortium at G.tec, Austria, University of Rome, Italy, Fraunhofer IBMT and Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany, and University Hospital of Neurology Salzburg, Austria.

The doctoral candidate will be registered at the Centre for doctoral studies and will be supervised by Prof. Yvonne Höller at the Faculty of Psychology and will join the doctoral school at UNAK. The Faculty of Psychology offers courses in statistics, research methods, and scientific transferable skills to doctoral students.

The student will be responsible for recruitment of participants, recording of EEG-Ultrasound data and analysis of this novel data alongside with behavioral results from the medical device study, data management, scientific dissemination at conferences and in the form of publication and public communication. There is also the option to participate in undergraduate teaching at the University of Akureyri to gather experience in this important part of an academic career.

Required skills

  • An internationally recognized medical degree (equivalent to a Master degree) with relevant specialization in the neurological field or a master degree in psychology, neuroscience, health sciences, bioengineering, or a field that is useful for the project. We accept only participants who have completed education that is equivalent to a Bachelor degree of at least 180 ECTS credits and a Master degree of at least 120 credits, thereof at least 30 but at most 60 credits for a research based Master thesis, and at least 60 ECTS are completed in coursework.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English
  • Excellent scientific skills such as literature research, statistical data analysis, and scientific writing
  • Excellent organization skills
  • Technical affinity in order to be able to deal with the novel hard- and software

Desired skills

Desired skills that will increase the chance of the applicant to be considered for this position.

  • Experience with EEG recording and analysis
  • Experience with questionnaires
  • Experience with interviews
  • Fluency in the Icelandic language in written and oral communication

Application Process and Working Environment at UNAK

The University of Akureyri (UNAK) offers a friendly working environment at one of the most beautiful research locations in the world, with many nearby leisure activities. UNAK proudly provides high-quality supervision which is monitored and regulated by the Centre for doctoral studies. Yvonne Höller is an experienced supervisor who additionally actively participates in special training for doctoral supervisors. The Centre provides a structured doctoral program which is tailored to the individual student’s needs and includes provision of supervision guidelines, professionality, peer-support, and didactical education.

Approval of registration for doctoral studies at University of Akureyri is a condition for employment. Entry requirements are a master’s degree, awarded as first class, or equivalent final examination from second higher education cycle in the academic field on which the doctoral studies will be based or in a related field.

Application Instructions

To apply, please submit the following documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Copy of Bachelor’s and Master’s diplomas (in English)
  • Official transcript of grades (showing GPA calculation)
  • Scientific track record (if applicable)
  • Two references (name, email, and phone number)
  • Motivational letter or video (video should be provided as a link)

Application Deadline: March 31, 2025

Send your application to: Prof. Yvonne Höller,