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The University of Akureyri offers a comprehensive range of quality programmes in multiple fields of study
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- About UNAK
The University of Akureyri offers a comprehensive range of quality programmes in multiple fields of study
The aim of the University of Akureyri is to be a progressive, independent and established knowledge community, committed to upholding the principle of equal opportunities. It is the strategy of the University of Akureyri to be an active educational and research institution and an important participant in the Icelandic and international scientific community.
The University of Akureyri seeks to provide students with opportunities to pursue diverse education in an ambitious and international learning and research environment. Programmes and degrees are organised in a professional manner to ensure that they meet the expectations and needs of society and fulfil international criteria and quality requirements at each time. Special emphasis is placed on making use of opportunities that consist in flexible studies and connections to university and knowledge centres that operate in more dispersed settlements in Iceland and the Arctic.
The University of Akureyri respects and embraces the diversity of students and employees and works to counteract any kind of discrimination based on health, gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, religion, habitation or financial position. Great emphasis is placed on mutual respect, fairness and cooperation between students, teachers and other employees at the University. Professionalism and objectivity are maintained in resolving disagreements.
Students are responsible for their own study progress and for developing the knowledge, skills and competences that are needed to fulfil requirements set for different degrees. Teachers and other employees of the University do their utmost to strengthen the independence of students and support their work through professional guidance, sound information, diverse teaching methods and an encouraging learning environment. The University of Akureyri puts an emphasis on having a group of employees with the ability to attend to teaching in flexible studies, research, management and support services. Stress is laid on creating an in-demand work environment and providing good facilities and appropriate support for professional development.
The University places emphasis on employees and students engaging in active scientific work and working on innovation in cooperation with different academics and institutions in domestic and international forums. Academic freedom is upheld but scholars are encouraged to base research on the needs and challenges of the present time. Researchers within the University of Akureyri use scientific work methods on their subjects and receive support to disseminate the outputs of scientific and innovation projects so that they may lead to increased knowledge and improvements for society.
In order to ensure the quality of studies, teaching and research, the University of Akureyri emphasises quality assurance and a quality culture centred on improvement. Plans and measures in quality affairs are transparent and based on critical viewpoints, forward thinking and reliable data that is collected on the University’s operations and its performance in quality work. Opportunities for improvement are followed up on in an efficient manner, and responsibility for management of quality affairs is clear. Great emphasis is placed on active participation of students in all internal quality work and on information concerning operations and quality of studies and research being correct, clear and accessible to everyone.
In order to ensure the progression of the Quality Strategy, procedures, work descriptions and guidelines are followed that, for example, form the quality system of the University. The Rector is responsible for the quality system but the Quality Council, which acts in the Rector’s authority, is responsible for its implementation. The Director of Quality and Human Resources is the Chair of the Quality Council and handles the daily supervision of quality work within the University. Administrators are responsible for organising and managing quality in the operations of the Schools or units that they represent and ensuring that the Quality Strategy functions as a guiding principle in the work of employees and students. In this way, a quality culture is encouraged and an emphasis placed on each student and employee being responsible for the quality of studies, teaching and research at the University of Akureyri.
The Quality Strategy of the University of Akureyri shall be reviewed following the approval of a new Strategy for UNAK in 2023.
Approved in a meeting of the University Council on 26 August 2021.