Instructions for OLA (Online Learning Agreement)
- Log into MyAcademicID by using your UNAK email (choose UNAK in the drop-down list).
- In step 1 you need to fill in field of education and study cycle. BA/BS/BEd is EQF level 6. MA/MS/Med is EQF level 7.
- Create a Learning agreement by clicking the button Create new and select Semester Mobility in the next step.
- In step 2 you need to fill in information about UNAK and Sending Responsible Person and Sending Administrative Contact Person. Sending Responsible Person is the Head of your Department. Sending Administrative Contact Person is Rúnar or Hildur at the International Office.
- In step 3 you need to fill in information about the receiving institution and the Responsible and Administrative Contact Persons at the receiving institution. Receiving Responsible Person is the person who signs the learning agreement on behalf of the receiving institution. It is not necessary to fill in information about Receiving Administrative Contact Person.
- In step 4 you need to fill in information about your course selection at the receiving institution and course recognition at UNAK. Click Add Component to Table A for each new course that you want to take at the receiving institution. In Table B you have fill in the courses that UNAK will recognize in exchange for your studies at the receiving institution. It is not necessary to fill in the last two boxes.
- Step 5 is only applicable for distance-studies. You can skip this part.
- In step 6 you will have to sign the agreement electronically. It will then automatically be sent to the Sending / Receiving Responsible Persons who also need to sign the agreement. The student will be notified when all parties have signed.