The quality assurance system of the University of Akureyri is based on the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area – ESG 2015 and the Icelandic Quality Enhancement Framework – QEF.
The Quality Council is responsible for the implementation of the University’s quality system. It ensures that the university always fulfils the external requirements set for the quality of its work at any given time.
The Quality Council of the University of Akureyri is composed of the Director of Quality Management who chairs it, representatives of Schools, Director of the Centre of Teaching, Director of Student Registry, two student representatives, and two employee representatives. The Quality Council is convened every month during school terms.
The role of the Quality Council is to
- be responsible for the implementation of the University’s quality system
- ensure that the University always fulfils the external requirements set for the quality of its work
- draw interest to quality considerations within the University
- be a forum for discussion and decision-making on the quality considerations of the University
- contribute to improvement and development of teaching and assessment within the University
- approve, supervise, and ensure periodic review of departments and degrees
- monitor research quality within the University
- compile, evaluate, and respond to that information on the operations of the University which relates to quality
- take a stand on important changes in the operations of the University that may affect quality in its operations
- discuss preparation and implementation of a self-evaluation and external evaluation of the University and to ensure follow-up
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Business and Science
School of Health Sciences
- Faculty of Graduate Studies (extract expected in autumn 2022)
- Faculty of Nursing (extract expected in autumn 2022)
- Faculty of Occupational Therapy (extract expected in autumn 2022)
Centre for Doctoral Studies and Research Management