Equality Plan

This Equality Plan applies for the years 2025 to 2028. The plan is divided into an Equality Policy and an Action Plan.

About the Gender Equality Plan

The University of Akureyri Equality Plan is in accordance with Act no. 150/2020 on Equal Status and Equal Rights Irrespective of Gender, Act no. 86/2018 on Equal Treatment on the Labour Market and Act no. 80/2019 on Gender Autonomy. It is intended to ensure equal rights and equal status for women, men and people with gender-neutral registration in the national register and to counteract any discrimination and exclusion in all the university’s operations.

The plan replaces the previous plan which was in effect from 2021 to 2024. The consultants on the project were Herdís Sólborg Haraldsdóttir and Sóley Tómasdóttir. The main change in the purpose and execution of the plan is that it now also includes diversity considerations and includes tasks and objectives aimed at increased inclusion. This change is in line with current gender equality laws, the focus of the Icelandic government, and a clear will within the university. Additionally, it takes into account the challenges and opportunities that universities are currently facing. The plan also includes the University of Akureyri’s wage strategy, which was approved at the University Council meeting on October 24, 2019 and revised at the University Council meeting on September 29, 2022.

There is particular emphasis on accountability and the administration of the equality plan, with monitoring being action-based. The UNAK Rector is the owner of the equality plan and wage strategy, while the Chair of the Equal Rights Committee of the university is responsible for implementing the actions. The execution is in the hands of those parties within UNAK who are responsible for the aspects related to the objectives and actions of the plan.

The plan is based on ambitious vision coupled with realistic objectives. It is accompanied by an action plan where all objectives are supported by time-specific and measurable objectives, and where execution groups are identified for each action. Administration and accountability of the plan is given special importance.

The plan was approved by the University Council in November 2024 and will be reviewed in 2028. The plan was approved by the Directorate of Equality in December 2024 and subsequently took effect. Its progress can be monitored in the Action Plan. The Chair of the Equal Rights Committee of the university is responsible for following up on the plan and is the point of contact for it.

The plan applies to staff, students and the university’s impact on society.

Regarding staff and the university's obligations towards staff, special efforts are being made to comply with the following legal provisions:

  • Article 6. General provisions regarding pay equality (150/2020)
  • Article 7. Equal pay certification (150/2020)
  • Article 12. Vacancies, vocational training, retraining and continuing education (150/2020)
  • Article 13. Reconciliation of work and family life (150/2020)
  • Article 14. Gender-based violence, gender-based harassment and sexual harassment (150/2020)
  • Article 8. Prohibition against discrimination at work or when workers are engaged (86/2018)
  • Article 9. Prohibition against discrimination regarding wages and other terms of service (86/2018)

Equality Policy 2025-2028

The University of Akureyri's vision for equality issues for the year 2028 is to bridge the gap between people through a strong and diverse community where everyone belongs and enriches the university’s learning and working environment. The environment and approach within the university takes the diverse needs of people into account.


This vision is based on four dimensions that are all interconnected and influence each other. They apply to the university as an educational institution on one hand and as a workplace on the other hand, with a focus on diversity and inclusion.

The four dimensions


To fulfill this vision, the university has set four main objectives that are intended to bridge the gap between different groups and diverse people in education and work at the university, as well as the objective of improving administration and monitoring of the program. The action plan is set up to meet these objectives.

Objective 1: Increasing equity

This objective involves rethinking processes, policies, and procedures to equalize people’s opportunities. To improve equity for staff and students, meeting the requirements of equality legislation and criteria for equality programs. This objective includes actions aimed at ensuring that women, men and people with a neutral gender registration in the national register receive equal wages and enjoy the same benefits for the same or equally valuable work, cf. with Article 6 of the Gender Equality Act, together with the prohibition of discrimination in relation to wages and other benefits (cf. with Article 9 of Act no. 86/2018 on Prohibition against discrimination regarding wages and other terms of service). This objective also includes actions related to equal pay certification in workplaces, cf. with Article 7 of the Equality Act. Finally, it includes actions aimed at making the university a family-friendly workplace, cf. with Article 13 of the Equality Act. The university has also proposed actions to improve equity relating to students.

The objective and the actions that it includes apply to all dimensions of the plan, both regarding a more diverse workplace and educational institution on the one hand and an inclusive workplace and educational institution on the other.

Objective 2: Cultivating diversity

This objective involves managing gender statistics and data and finding ways to further increase diversity. To cultivate diversity among staff and students, and meet the requirements of equality legislation and criteria for equality programs. Actions relate to the implementation of Article 1 of the Gender Equality Act, working systematically to prevent discrimination on the basis of gender, promoting equal opportunities for all genders, integrating gender and equality perspectives into policymaking and decisions, promoting education and research in gender equality issues, and analyzing statistical information by gender. The university has also proposed actions to improve equity relating to students.

The objective and the actions that it includes apply to all dimensions of the plan, both regarding a more diverse workplace and educational institution on the one hand and an inclusive workplace and educational institution on the other.

Objective 3: Expanding inclusion

This objective involves working systematically to ensure that people belong to the university community despite being outside previous norms. To expand inclusion for staff and students, meeting the requirements of equality legislation and criteria for equality programs. This objective includes the sub-objective that jobs available for application be open equally to women, men and people with a gender-neutral registration in the national register, and that employers shall take the necessary measures to ensure that women, men and people with a gender-neutral registration in the national register enjoy the same opportunities for continuing education, lifelong learning and vocational training, and to attend courses held to increase skills in the job or to prepare for other jobs, cf. Article 12 of the Equality Act and Article of Act no. (86/2018) on Prohibition against discrimination at work of when workers are engaged. The university has also proposed actions to improve equity relating to students.

The objective and the actions that it includes apply to all dimensions of the plan, both regarding a more diverse workplace and educational institution on the one hand and an inclusive workplace and educational institution on the other.

Objective 4: Increasing impact

This objective involves working on projects, education, and awareness-raising that strengthens gender equality efforts within the university. To increase impact through various gender equality projects, meeting the requirements of equality legislation and criteria for equality programs. This includes a sub-objective that the University integrate gender and equality perspectives into all policy and planning, provide education and advice on equality at all levels of study, review teaching materials, support research on gender and equality issues, and ensure monitoring of the progress of equality within the University, cf. Article 15 of the Equality Act. This objective also includes sub-objectives relevant to Article 14 of the Equality Act, concerning efforts directed against gender-based violence, gender-based harassment and sexual harassment. The university has also proposed actions to improve equity relating to students.

The objective and the actions that it includes apply to all dimensions of the plan, both regarding a more diverse workplace and educational institution on the one hand and an inclusive workplace and educational institution on the other.

Objective 5: Improved administration and overview

This objective involves improving the framework for equality issues at the university. It involves clarifying responsibility for projects, as well as the implementation and execution of actions.

Action Plan for Gender Equality 2025-2028

The University of Akureyri makes a commitment to implement the following actions to achieve its objectives and vision of equality, diversity, and inclusion. The actions are divided according to objectives.

Objective 1: Increasing equity - actions

1. Accessibility assessment

An accessibility assessment of the university’s buildings and facilities is conducted based on universal design criteria, and a timed plan for improvements is developed.

  • Responsible authority: Director of Real Estate
  • Time: 2025-2028
  • Dimension: All

2. Better conditions for marginalized students

The Equal Rights Committee, in consultation with the Student Council, designs and organizes a platform where students belonging to marginalized groups have the opportunity to share their experiences, obstacles, and suggestions for improvements. This process includes advertising, registration, and selection of a diverse group of participants. The platform will be a safe space, built on confidentiality, to ensure that participants can express themselves openly. Data that is collected from the platform is to be analyzed in order to understand the key challenges and needs of marginalized students. The results will be summarized in a report that includes conclusions and recommendations for improvements. The results are then presented to the rector and administrators, and implemented into the university’s operations.

  • Responsible authority: The Equal Rights Committee
  • Time: 2026-2027
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive educational institution

3. Chores and glamour projects

The University of Akureyri conducts an assessment of wages, benefits, and division of labour within the university and uses that assessment to define unpaid academic chores and so-called glamour projects. The impact of the division of labour on the academic advancement and recognition of employees is assessed. Following the assessment, recommendations for improvements are implemented in order to balance the division of labour and to ensure a fair distribution of tasks, with regular reviews to assess results.

  • Responsible authority: Director of Quality and Human Resources
  • Time: 2025-2028
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive workplace

4. Internal audit of equal pay certification

An internal audit of equal pay certification processes is conducted annually in order to ensure compliance with the equal pay standard ÍST 85:2012 and to maintain continuous reform.

  • Responsible authority: Lawyer of the Rector’s office
  • Time: 2025-2028 (annually)
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive workplace

5. External audit of equal pay certification

A maintenace audit of equal pay certification processes is conducted annually in order to ensure compliance with the equal paystandard ÍST 85:2012 and to maintain continuous reform.

  • Responsible authority: BSI á Íslandi
  • Time: 2025-2028 (annually)
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive workplace

6. Administrative audit of equal pay certification

An administrative audit of equal pay certification processes is conducted annually. If an unexplained gender difference in wages is identified, wages should be corrected.

  • Responsible authority: Director of Quality and Human Resources
  • Time: 2025-2028 (annually)
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive workplace

7. A family-friendly workplace

The University of Akureyri maintains a policy on the reconciliation of work and family life with the objective of equalizing gender responsibilities for upbringing, care and household chores. The university does so by implementing support measures, education, promotion, regular follow-up and review. Both parents should exercise their rights regarding parental and maternity leave and leave due to the illness of children.

  • Responsible authority: Director of Quality and Human Resources
  • Time: 2025-2028 (annually)
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive workplace

Objective 2: Cultivating diversity - actions

1. A diverse university

A diverse group of employees and students represent the University in all public venues. This includes participation in meetings, events, in the media, and in promotional materials. In addition, a list of staff areas of expertise is well-publicized and accessible, in order to promote visibility and access to diverse talents within the school.

  • Responsible authority: Managers
  • Time: 2025-2028 (annually)
  • Dimension: All

2. Diverse roles

The University of Akureyri puts great emphasis on materials published by the university not perpetuating stereotypes about gender, gender roles, heritage, skin colour, sexuality, ability, body type, or anything else that contributes to marginalization, exclusion, and discrimination in society. This includes implementing publishing procedures, a process for proofreading and approving content before it is published with an emphasis on equality and diversity considerations. In addition, staff involved in publishing content need to be educated about the importance of recognizing stereotypes and how discrimination can manifest itself. Finally, the material needs to be reviewed annually and suggestions for improvements made.

  • Responsible authority: Managers
  • Time: 2025-2028 (divided into tasks)
  • Dimension: All

3. Gender and diversity in committees and councils

When nominations are requested for committees, both within and outside UNAK, people of two genders should be nominated for each position if possible, so that the final selection is as diverse as possible.

  • Responsible authority: Director of Rector’s office
  • Time: 2025-2028 (divided into tasks)
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive workplace

4. Participation in social activities

Participation in student social activities should be actively encouraged and it should be ensured that diverse people of all genders are nominated to commissions of trust and administrative positions within the student union of the university whenever possible.

  • Responsible authority: The Equal Rights Committee and Student Union of UNAK
  • Time: 2025-2028 (divided into tasks)
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive educational institution

Objective 3: Expanding inclusion - actions

1. Statistical information collected to improve the situation

An annual compilation of key information on the university’s operations.

  • Responsible authority: Director of Quality and Human Resources
  • Time: 2025-2027 (annually)
  • Dimension: All

2. Support for employees of foreign origin

Work on inclusive language use towards university employees.

  • Responsible authority: Director of Quality and Human Resources
  • Time: 2025-2026 (divided into tasks)
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive workplace

3. Support for students of foreign origin

Work on inclusive language use towards students at the university.

  • Responsible authority: Faculties / Schools
  • Time: 2025-2026 (divided into tasks)
  • Dimension:A more diverse and inclusive educational institution

4. An inclusive recruitment process

The University of Akureyri is reviewing and improving the its procedures regarding recruitment processes with a special emphasis on gender and diversity perspectives. Every job that is available for application should be open to diverse people of all genders. Work processes should be reviewed and guidelines and training should be developed. Safeguards must be implemented in order to ensure diversity and gender equality, as well as carrying out regular reviews of processes in order to ensure that objectives are being achieved.

  • Responsible authority: Director of Quality and Human Resources
  • Time: 2025-2028 (divided into tasks)
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive workplace

5. Gender equality screening

While the plan is in effect, a pilot project will be conducted at one of the university’s offices where all major decisions are assessed for gender equality according to a specially designed form (Gender Equality Screening).

  • Responsible authority: Director of Rector’s office and the Equal Rights Committee
  • Time: Before 2027
  • Dimension: All

Objective 4: Increasing impact - actions

1. Equality Days

The Equal Rights Committee actively participates and encourages the entire university community to participate in the annual Equality Days. During the Equality Days, attention is drawn to everything related to gender equality, diversity and inclusion.

  • Responsible authority: The Equal Rights Committee
  • Time: 2025-2028 (annually)
  • Dimension: All

2. Gender studies and diversity course

In order to ensure access to appropriate equality and gender studies education in accordance with the Equality Act, the objective will be to integrate gender and diversity perspectives into courses in all faculties. Another approach is that departments offer courses on gender and diversity perspectives.

  • Responsible authority: Department chairs / chairs of study committees
  • Time: 2025-2028 (divided into tasks)
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive educational institution

3. Equality and diversity education

Education on gender, diversity, and inclusion is available to all staff and students at least once a year, with an emphasis on inclusive educational content, teaching methods, and university community. A conversation takes place annually between the quality and human resources team and an employee of the Equal Rights Committee in order to ensure that adequate education is available.

  • Responsible authority: Director of Quality and Human Resources
  • Time: 2025-2028 (divided into tasks)
  • Dimension: All

4. Gender-based emphasis in teaching

Teachers at UNAK have the opportunity to attend a course on gender-based emphasis in teaching to fulfill Article 15 of the Equality Act on gender perspectives in curriculum and syllabuses.

  • Responsible authority: Director of Quality and Human Resources
  • Time: 2025-2028 (annually)
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive workplace

5. Education for the Equal Rights Committee

The chair and an employee of the Equal Rights Committee attend an annual educational day with the consultation forum of equality representatives, where equality, diversity and inclusion are discussed from different perspectives.

  • Responsible authority: The Equal Rights Committee
  • Time: 2025-2028 (annually)
  • Dimension: All

6. EKKO educational materials

Educational materials about the inherent nature, consequences and responses to gender-based harassment, sexual harassment and gender-based violence are available in the student handbook and on the UNAK website. Information about the complaints process and the activities of the professional council should be well-publicized online and in the real world, including in electronic newsletters and on information boards within the school.

  • Responsible authority: The EKKO Professional Council
  • Time: 2025-2028 (divided into tasks)
  • Dimension: All

7. EKKO discussion

At the beginning of each school year, a discussion about gender-based harassment and discrimination is put on the agenda of school and faculty meetings. EKKO issues are always put on the agenda when discussing the working environment, safety, and well-being at the school with both students and staff.

  • Responsible authority: Director of Quality and Human Resources
  • Time: 2025-2028 (divided into tasks)
  • Dimension: All

8. Computational model

While the plan is in effect, the Equal Rights Committee will be tasked with examining whether it is possible to adapt the use of the Universities’ computational model to the different position of genders and marginalized groups, and presenting the results to the University Council and the Rector of the University of Akureyri.

  • Responsible authority: The University Council
  • Time: 2025-2028 (divided into tasks)
  • Dimension: A more diverse and inclusive workplace

Objective 5: Improved administration and overview - actions

1. Equality plan – responsibility and ownership

The University Council and the Rector of the University of Akureyri are the owners of the equality plan and are therefore responsible for the plan. They call for a status update twice a year.

  • Responsible authority: The Rector and the University Council
  • Time: 20025-2028 (Twice a year)

2. Equality plan – Execution

On behalf of the University Council and the Rector, senior administrators bear main responsibility for the execution of the plan in consultation with the Equal Rights Committee. This includes advocating for the plan and getting actions moving into the appropriate channels.

  • Responsible authority: Managers
  • Time: 2025-2028 (Ongoing)

3. Equality plan – Execution of actions

The main responsibility for ensuring that the action plan is executed is distributed and shared among administrators, staff, and students.

  • Responsible authority: The Equal Rights Committee
  • Time: 2025-2028 (Ongoing)

4. Equality plan – Implementation

The Equal Rights Committee monitors the implementation of the plan on behalf of the Rector and the University Council. The chair and an employee of the Equal Rights Committee oversee its daily management and provide all relevant support in implementing the actions that are stipulated.

  • Responsible authority: The chair of the Equal Rights Committee
  • Time: 2025-2028 (Ongoing)

5. Equality Plan – Follow-up in the Action Plan

The implementation and follow-up of the plan is presented in the form of an Action Plan where the status of projects and results are assessed every six months. The Action Plan, which is developed and maintained by an employee of the Equal Rights Committee, will be available on the university’s website no later than mid-2025.

  • Responsible authority: The Equal Rights Committee
  • Time: 2025-2028 (Ongoing)

6. Equality plan – Presentation of the plan

The equality plan is accessible to all stakeholders and is visible on the university’s website. Once it has been approved, it is introduced at an open presentation. The equality plan is well presented when welcoming new staff and towards new students.

  • Responsible authority: The chair of the Equal Rights Committee
  • Time: 2025-2028 (Ongoing)

7. Equal Rights Committee – Evaluation of the plan

Towards the end of the plan’s period in effect, asurvey is presented to staff and students. It contains questions regarding the impact of the plan, answers to which which will be useful in the preparation of a new plan.

  • Responsible authority: The Equal Rights Committee
  • Time: 2028

8. Appointment and activities of the Equal Rights Committee

The Equal Rights Committee is composed of two representatives from each school, one representative jointly nominated by the University Office and the Rector’s Office, and two representatives from SHA. The chair of the Equal Rights Committee is appointed by the Rector without nomination. The Committee normally holds meeting monthly and no fewer than six meetings annually. It calls for information from project leaders twice a year (in spring and autumn). The information is displayed on the website in an Action Plan that tracks the program’s actions. An employee of the Equal Rights Committee carries out the daily work of the committee.

  • Responsible authority: The Equal Rights Committee
  • Time: 2025-2028 (Ongoing)

9. The employee of the Equal Rights Committee:

Being the employee of the Equal Rights Committee is a part-time job. The employee carries out the daily work of the Equal Rights Committee, oversees education and the creation of an Action Plan, is involved in equal wage work, and is the Equal Rights Committee’s contact person with the people responsible for projects in this plan.

  • Responsible authority: The employee of the Equal Rights Committee
  • Time: 2025-2028 (Ongoing)

10. The employment ratio of the employee of the Equal Rights Committee:

Due to increased activity in equality matters, the employment ratio of the employee of the Equal Rights Committee is reviewed while the plan is in effect.

  • Responsible authority: Director of the Rector’s office
  • Time: Before 2028

Administration and follow-up

The Rector of the University of Akureyri is the owner of the equality plan, but the University Council and administrators bear primary responsibility for its execution. The aim of administration and follow-up is to improve the management of the plan, ensure that it delivers the intended results, and that the equality plan is in continuous development, like other policies. The goal is also to increase transparency and information sharing, as well as ensuring that all actions are taken through the correct channels.

The Equal Rights Committee is responsible for executing the plan, and the Committee’s employee is responsible for its daily management.

Administration and follow-up of the plan

The Equal Rights Committee of the University of Akureyri is composed of the following representatives:

  • Two representatives from each School.
  • Two representatives from the university administration/rector’s office.
  • Two representatives from the Student Association of the University of Akureyri (SHA).
  • A chairman appointed by the rector without nomination.

The rector appoints the chair of the committee, and a part-time employee is appointed to serve the committee. When appointing representatives, it must be ensured that two representatives of different genders are nominated at each time, with one serving as the main representative and the other as the backup representative.

The Equal Rights Committee normally holds meeting monthly and no fewer than six meetings annually. The Equal Rights Committee oversees the Action Plan of the equality action plan. The chair regularly requests a status update of the Action Plan and updates accordingly. Every spring, a briefing meeting is held with stakeholders on equality issues and the status of actions. A summary of the committee’s activities is also published in the university’s annual report.

The main roles of the Equal Rights Committee are:

  1. To follow up on the execution of the equality plan.
  2. To follow the policy on equal access to study and work at the University of Akureyri.
  3. To promote the integration of gender and equality perspectives into all policy and planning through a special three-year plan.
  4. To ensure that students and staff receive education on gender equality issues.
  5. To be in contact with the Directorate of Equality regarding equal pay certification and the equality plan.
  6. To implement objectives and actions to promote increased diversity in administration and positions of influence and to report on their status in the area of ​​the equality plan.

The Equal Rights Committee is appointed for a period of two years. The Equal Rights Committee is appointed by the University Council, but the Rector is responsible for the appointment of the Equality Rights Committee and its work. Equal Rights Committee members attend courses on gender equality, diversity, inclusion and integration free of charge. They are expected to have an overview of gender ratios among staff and students in their school.

In order to clarify responsibility, all aspects of administration and follow-up have been broken down into objectives and actions.

Wage Strategy of the University of Akureyri

The aim of the University of Akureyri is to ensure for its employees competitive wage terms, job conditions and work facilities so that the University can attract qualified employees who thrive and develop in their work. Wages shall always be determined on the basis of objective and transparent measures so that there is no unfair wage difference between identical or equally valuable positions. The equal pay system shall ensure consistency in determination of wages and fair grouping into salary grades.

As the most senior administrators, the University Council and Rector are ultimately responsible for the Wage Strategy. The Director of Quality and Human Resources is responsible for the Wage Strategy being enforced and for employees and administrators of the University being familiar with the Strategy.

To enforce the Equal Pay Strategy, the University commits to documenting, implementing, maintaining and continually improving the management of the equal pay system according to the requirements of the standard, as well as determining how its requirements will be fulfilled. The equal pay system is to ensure that wage decisions are based on objective viewpoints and do not consist in direct or indirect gender discrimination.

To enforce the objectives of the Equal Pay Strategy, the University will:

  • Implement and maintain a certified equal pay system based on the equal pay standard ÍST 85 in accordance with laws.
  • Standardise procedure for wage decisions with appropriate procedural rules and guidelines that prevent direct or indirect gender discrimination.
  • Carry out a wage analysis at least once a year to compare equally valuable positions and check whether there exists any wage difference based on gender; the main results shall be presented to employees.
  • Monitor and respond to unexplained difference in wages through constant improvement.
  • Carry out an internal appraisal and review the system and its results with administrators annually.
  • Follow appropriate laws, regulations and wage agreements that are in force at each time.
  • Present the strategy to the employees of the University and publish it on the external website.

Approved by the University Council on November 28, 2024
Confirmed by the Directorate of Equality on December 11, 2024