Media studies examines the dynamics of the media and their position and influence in society. The programme takes into account developments in this field in major universities in Europe. Efforts are made to integrate professional knowledge taught in journalism schools and academic knowledge and methodology taught in traditional university education. Such interweaving is desirable in this kind of study and is intended to make students more capable of dealing with social changes accompanying the information technology revolution and the ever-expanding level of general education. In addition to media studies, the programme offers Icelandic as a Second Language, providing students with a solid foundation in Icelandic grammar, vocabulary, and syntax, as well as an understanding of Icelandic society and culture.
Students participate in the production of various types of media content in print and broadcast media. It is of particular note that many of our graduates have found work in the media or in media-related fields.
The University of Akureyri is the only university in the country that offers this programme for a BA degree.
The emphasis on Icelandic as a second language is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding and proficiency in the Icelandic language. The programme covers various aspects of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
You can expect to develop strong oral and written communication skills in Icelandic, along with a solid foundation in grammar, vocabulary, and syntax.
The programme focuses on improving speaking abilities and reading comprehension skills, enabling you to engage confidently in discussions and enhancing your understanding of a wide range of Icelandic texts.
Students need to attend to electronically four mornings or afternoons each week for 2 hours.
You can view the organisation of the programme further down the page and in Ugla, the university's teaching website.
The media studies programme at the University of Akureyri is based on academic knowledge. You will receive training in writing texts and work with radio, television and social media. The emphasis is on teaching you to place the media in the context of society. Answers to legal and ethical questions related to the daily work of media personnel are sought. This discipline is constantly evolving, new media are emerging, and the programme takes this into account.
The programme is designed to include knowledge of Icelandic so you can learn the relevant vocabulary to be able to discuss media in Icelandic.
You can view the organisation of the programme further down the page and in Ugla, the university's teaching website.
Do you want to work as a reporter for radio or television? Many graduate students in media studies have done that and succeeded. You can start your own online media or write for newspapers and magazines. The media experts from HA have found jobs as media representatives of companies and institutions. The possibilities are endless. The programme is also a good foundation for further research, both in Iceland and abroad, for example in the fields of media and communication, marketing, political studies or gender studies.
The knowledge of Icelandic acquired in during the programme will allow you to improve your chances of finding suitable employment in the labour market.
Social life is an important part of university education and the social life of students at HA is lively and robust.
All students at the university are members of the Student Association of the University of Akureyri (SHA), but each department also has its own student organization. Kumpáni is an association of social science students; you may wish to consult Facebook for further details on this.
The general requirement is that applicants have completed a matriculation examination or equivalent, a final examination from a secondary school at the third qualification level, an equivalent foreign examination or 60 ECTS credits from a recognized university – or, alternatively, other academic prerequisites the Faculty of Social Sciences deems satisfactory.
All applicants must also pass a special entrance examination in Icelandic on June 12th at 13:00. The Icelandic test can be taken at test centres located around Iceland (at the cost of 4000 ISK), at the University of Akureyri or the University of Iceland. Proficiency in basic Icelandic is assessed through reading comprehension and listening skills. Here you can find sample examination tasks:
All applicants whose native language is not English, are required to provide proof of English proficiency. The minimum score for English proficiency is TOEFL 79, IELTS 6.5 or PTE academic 58.
We would like to point out that if the number of applicants who meet the general admission requirements exceeds the number criteria, applications will be prioritised as follows:
Applicants will then be ranked according to the sum of these factors and admitted in that order.
Applications that do not meet the general admission requirements are evaluated independently. It is important, therefore, that applicants submit a letter of introduction together with information relating to previous studies.
All undergraduate programmes at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Akureyri are flexible; that is, the department takes equal care of both those students who want to study in real time and be part of the university community, and those who prefer more pliable arrangements. All students adhere to the same curriculum and performance requirements.
However, you have to keep in mind that the Icelandic course will be taught online but in real time, and therefore requires your presence online while the lectures are being delivered.
Students who attend in real time on site or via interactive teleconferencing equipment can participate in teacher-student discussions in the classroom. In individual courses, all students participate in presentations and discussions in real time. Most traditional lectures are recorded and posted on a teaching website. Thus, you can watch lectures when it suits you and as often as you wish.
All distance learning students visit Akureyri several times throughout the school year for short study periods where the main focus is on project work and discussions. Here, you will have the opportunity to meet teachers, fellow students and other university staff and connect even better with your university community.
All students have the option to take part of their studies at a foreign partner university. You will receive a waiver of the tuition fees of the guest school and pay only the enrolment fee in HA. An international representative assists you in applying for the program, accommodation and student grant.
Applications are submitted electronically our online application portal, with an electronic ID and will be open from beginning of March until June 5th.
Media studies is an interesting, diverse and fun programme, combining academic and practical aspects. This academic discipline prepares you well for the future, whether you are planning a job or further studies in the field of media.
The emphasis is on listening comprehension, pronunciation and speaking exercises. The Icelandic sound system is introduced and practiced as well as pronunciation stress and intonation. Comprehension of spoken language is trained with listening and conversation exercises. Students will practice speaking about their daily life and give short presentations on familiar topics. The course is taught alongside Reading and language usage I and material and vocabulary from that course will also be used. Active participation and preparation on the part of the student is required.
The course aims to prepare students whose mother tongue is not Icelandic to participate in the course Research Methods in the Humanities and Social Sciences, which is taught in Icelandic. Emphasis is on students acquiring the vocabulary they need to learn about basic research methods, research formats, data collection methods, samples, and other methodological concepts. In addition, the goal of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to improve their vocabulary and skills in Icelandic in general. The course is also intended for those who want to strengthen their skills in using Icelandic in academic situations, especially in the humanities and social sciences.
In this course, the main focus is on reading and writing skills. Students build their vocabulary and practice their reading comprehension by reading a selection of newspaper articles, literary texts and academic papers. A set of language usage and grammar elements will be covered. Syntax, style, register and text structure will be considered. The aforementioned elements will be practiced in writing assignments during class and as homework.
Active participation and preparation on the part of the student is required.
The course will examine the basics of research methodology in the humanities and social sciences. At the end of the course, students should be able to explain the main research methods, research formats, data collection methods, sampling and other methodology concepts. The strengths and limitations of different approaches in the humanities and social sciences are discussed, taking into account the various goals of the research. Part of the teaching takes place so that visiting and current teachers present their research to students. The emphasis of these sessions is research methodologies.
This course is a direct continuation of Speaking and listening I. The emphasis is on listening comprehension, pronunciation and speaking exercises. Phonetics, pronunciation, stress and intonation will be exercised further. Students receive training in speech comprehension and the recognition of certain phonetic elements. Furthermore, students will practice discussing familiar topics and expressing their opinions thereof, for instance by delivering talks on specific subjects. The course is taught alongside Reading and language usage II and material and vocabulary from that course will also be used. Active participation and preparation on the part of the student is required.
The Practical Skills in Humanities and Social Sciences course is designed to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their academic pursuits. It focuses on enhancing students' academic writing abilities, cultivating critical thinking skills, and promoting ethical conduct and integrity in academic work. Great emphasis is placed on how to structure and write essays, reports and articles and on scholarly writing practices in general.
Course Objectives:
This course is a direct continuation of Reading and language usage I. The main focus will be on continuing to build vocabulary by reading and writing. Participants will read a selection of newspaper articles, literary texts and academic papers connected to their studies. Those texts will also be used to practice language usage, vocabulary and grammar. Syntax, style, register and text structure will be considered. The composition of formal texts will be trained. Active participation and preparation on the part of the student is required.
This course offers a general overview of the mass media industry and its history from the days of the Gutenberg’s printing press to today’s social media. Moreover, we will discuss what role the various media play in our lives and focus briefly on some of the most prominent theories of media effects. Special attention will be paid to media literacy.
The course focuses on the material transformation of the Western world, especially from the 18th century to the present. In particular, the course explores the history of key structural changes, including industrialization, colonization, decolonization and globalization, and the interrelations of these processes. Emphasis is placed upon this transformation in Iceland during the 19th and 20th century, and how it correlates with similar changes in other parts of the world.
This course is for students who have finished Reading and language usage I and II as well as Speaking and listening I and II. Students receive training in the four main skills; reading, writing, listening and speaking. Different registers of speech and text will be introduced. Students will read and listen to a selection of texts to build their academic vocabulary and practice the vocabulary by writing short essays and giving presentations. Active participation and preparation on the part of the student is required.
This course outlines the history of the study of society and briefly reviews major topics of inquiry in this field. Major theoretical perspectives in sociology, anthropology and political science are discussed along with the recognized methods for pursuing knowledge within these disciplines. Special attention is given to the effects of social change on the direction and approach of such studies of society.
Domestic and foreign media are analysed, compared and critically examined. Special attention is paid to the questions of neutrality and objectivity in news writing, and to inherent biases such as personalization, fragmentation, dramatization and the authority-disorder bias. Attention is also devoted to issues of ethical and professional responsibility, objectivity, transparency, clarity, trustworthiness, dependability of sources, choice of material, style and language use. Furthermore, the course provides training in Icelandic, especially in Icelandic as used in the media.
This course covers all of the main theories on media effects. A particular focus is on entertainment media and investigated, for example, what effects violent content has on the audience, whether in movies or in computer games.
The subject of this course is qualitative methods in the social sciences. Students become familiar with the history, objectives and theoretical foundations of different qualitative methods and various problems associated with them. Students learn to utilize ethnographic methods, participant observation, different interview techniques, focus groups, autoethnographic stories, community-based research, action-based applied research, symbolic, discourse and conceptual analyses, memory, historiographical and oral-narrative analysis, and qualitative comparative research methods.
The course is an introduction to statistical analysis and research methods used in the behavioral and social sciences. Topics range from basic assumptions of statistical analysis to measures of distribution, descriptive statistics
The course focuses on the material transformation of the Western world, especially from the 18th century to the present. In particular, the course explores the history of key structural changes, including industrialization, colonization, decolonization and globalization, and the interrelations of these processes. Emphasis is placed upon this transformation in Iceland during the 19th and 20th century, and how it correlates with similar changes in other parts of the world
This course is a direct continuation of Academic Icelandic I. Students will continue practicing their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills with the aim of being able to participate in an Icelandic academic setting. Students will work on various assignments concerning their studies at the University of Akureyri. Emphasis will be placed on the students’ ability to pursue their Icelandic studies in an autonomous manner. Active participation and preparation on the part of the student is required.
The course focuses on the situation of men and women, and views towards them, from asociological perspective. The main fields of gender studies are introduced, as well as two fundamental concepts, sex and gender. Topics explored in the course, include androcentrism, masculinities, the labor market, reproductive heatlh, and the struggle for gender equality. . In the course students will be urged to make connections across institutional contexts (work, family, media, healthcare) and strive to see the world through the lens of intersectionality.
Students are trained in the critical evaluation of information, especially from the media and common discourse. Topics covered include: Basic concepts of logic; the difference between good arguments and fallacies/rhetoric; psychological and social influences on individual judgment and belief; the origin, use, and value of statistical information.
This course covers the fundamentals of journalism, i.e. how to write news stories and interview subjects. The focus will also be on the visual elements like photography and how pictures are used in the media. A large part of the course consists of publishing a weekly newspaper for the media market. Students are involved in all steps of the production: the creation of basic story ideas, writing, layout and printing.
The course examines the main sociological theories about the relations between the individual and society. Special attention is paid to theories of symbolic interaction, the relation between everyday life of an individual and the structure of society and interaction in small groups. Students are also trained in analysing sociological articles in scholarly journals and debating their content.
This course examines and analyses the history and development of media. A special emphasis is given to the development of the printing press and its social impact. The course further discusses the understanding and significance of the freedom of the press.
Local media and media outside of mainstream media are defined and examined, i.e. citizen´s journalism. The course looks at the different approaches taken by traditional og new media, and local, national and global media and at the ways in which these different types of media connect to society. The comparative strengths and weaknesses of local, national and global media are specifically examined. The impact of technological change upon the understanding of local and global media is looked at.
The history, subject matter and methodology of political science are discussed. As a point of emphasis in this course, students look at comparative politics and write an essay on the political system of a particular state. Political processes are analysed and discussed.
In continuation of the Media history course various theories of communication and the media will be addressed. We will read classics in Media theory, like Jürgen Habermas, Michel Foucault, Marshal McLuhan, Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin.
This course examines the basic characteristics and workings of the broadcast media. A large part of the course consists of creating material for, and working for and with, public and private radio and television stations. The course is conducted in cooperation with working broadcast companies.
This course examines (a) key events in the history of the 20th and 21st century, with special reference to Western Europe and North America; (b) the fundamental economic, social, and political theories that influenced these events; (c) the main economic trends ; (d) specific individuals and groups that played important roles; (e) fundamental issues of value implied by the events studied; and (f) image-making and its influence. Readings and films serve to highlight significant moments in, and relevant features of, the history of the 20th and 21st century. They are intended to show the complexity of the events considered as well as the universal lessons that can be derived from such events.
The seminar focuses on a specific topic, or a series of topics, relevant to modern ideology, social structures and ways of life. Instruction is in seminar form. Topics vary from year to year and are announced in the spring each year for the upcoming academic year in the Course Catalog.
The history of the media in Iceland is examined from its beginning to the present day. Different periods are identified and their characteristics explained. Each of the media is examined and given special attention.
The course deals with some basic characteristics of the international system, the role of nation states, and of organizations and companies. Different approaches and theories of international relations are examined. Particular attention is paid to the European integration and Icelandic relations with the international community. Furthermore, a focus will be put on international institutions and organisations on the one hand and NGOs on the other and their respective roles in the international system and developmental aid.
This course focuses on the topics, history, investigative methods and theoretical approaches of cultural anthropology. Major subjects of study will include adaptation and modes of subsistence; culture, society and language; economic exchange and distribution; political organization and stratification; globalization; modes of production, ideology and relations of ethnicity and class; sex and gender; systems of kinship, descent, household, family and marriage; religion, world view, and symbolism; and applied anthropology and issues of development.
The course analyses the situation of the Icelandic media at present, especially with regard to globalisation and to media in small linguistic communities. Media governance in Iceland is examined, the concentration of ownership and the digital revolution. Guest speakers from the ranks of practicing media workers will speak in the course.
This course deals with topics in both micro- and macroeconomics. In microeconomics emphasis is placed on analysis and applications related to the price system, competitive and monopolistic market structures, the labour market and unions, and issues of poverty and income distribution. In macroeconomics the focus is on the analysis and discussion of national economic performance, inflation, unemployment, economic growth, national debt, fiscal and monetary policy, the European Union, globalization, and selected issues in economic development. Applications are made to the Icelandic economy and to other economies.
The student chooses a topic in consultation with the coordinator of B.A. theses in Journalism and Media Studies, and writes a dissertation on that topic under the guidance of an advisor. The dissertation should evince (a) a solid command of language and written expression, (b) independent treatment of the topic chosen, and (c) in-depth knowledge of that topic. The thesis project requires formal approval and is subject to the rules of the Faculty.
The course focuses on the legal and ethical framework of the Icelandic media and looks also at the status of the individual journalist within this framework. The question of editorial independence is addressed, and the influence of owners, special interests, and advertisers considered along with the importance of public interests. The protection of sources is examined, as practiced both in Iceland and abroad. Important controversial moral issues regarding the media are examined and analysed.
The course approaches the fundamental change brought on by digital communication, personalised information flow and the fragmentation of the public sphere. Social media are examined, their nature and use are studied as well as the influence of this type of communication on society, institutions and individuals. Furthermore, the interaction of traditional media and their logic and social media and network logic is examined. Students gain insight into the technical sides and characteristics of different digital media while emphasis is put on examining theories on the impact of disrupted public spheres both in Iceland and Internationally.