Councils and committees

Click on the name of the respective committee, council or board to view further information on its role and purview.

Doctoral Council

The Doctoral Board supervises the implementation of doctoral studies, follows up on established criteria and quality standards for the studies, serves as the governing body of the Centre for Doctoral Studies and is a forum for discussion and consultation on behalf of the academic community at the University.

Period of appointment: Until June 30 2025

Antje Neumann Associate Professor
Lada Zelinski

Doctoral student

Margrét Hrönn Svavarsdóttir Professor
Peter Sheperdson Associate Professor
Stefán B. Sigurðsson Former Rector and Professor Emeritus, Chair
Steingrímur Jónsson


Unnur Magnúsdóttir Doctoral student
Deputy members  
Garðar Ágúst Árnason Professor
María Dís Ólafsdóttir Doctoral student
Gísli Kort Kristófersson Professor
Markus Hermann Meckl Professor
Rannveig Björnsdóttir Associate Professor
Elín Arnardóttir Doctoral student

Evaluation Committee

The role of the Evaluation Committee is to evaluate whether an applicant is qualified for the position of Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor. It is also responsible for handling of applications from academic employees at UNAK for promotion and permanent appointment.

The Rector appoints the Evaluation Committee for a two-year term, based on nominations by the University Council.

Management Board

The Management Board supervises coordination of the daily operations of the University.

Góðvinir alumni association

Góðvinir is an association of students who graduated from UNAK and other supporters of the University.

Quality Council

The Quality Council consists of the Director of Quality Management, who chairs it, one representative from each School, two representatives of the University Office, as well as two representatives of students appointed by the Union of Students.

Equal Rights Committee

The Equal Rights Committee initiates and monitors that the Gender Equality Plan for the University of Akureyri is enforced in consultation with the Management Board.

Master’s Programme Committee of the University Centre of the Westfjords

The Master’s Programme Committee of the University Centre of the Westfjords is appointed according to a renewed cooperation agreement between the University Centre of the Westfjords and the University of Akureyri from 4 December 2018.

The Master’s Programme Committee discusses issues relating to the cooperation agreement, communications between parties to the agreement, in addition to supervising professional organisation and implementation of Master’s studies in Coastal and Marine Management, Master’s studies in Coastal Communities and Regional Management and Master’s studies in Marine Innovation.

Sabbatical Committee

The Sabbatical Committee is appointed in accordance with Regulations on Sabbaticals for Teachers at the University of Akureyri No. 355/2012. The Committee processes applications for sabbaticals and submits proposals to the Rector on who shall be granted a sabbatical.

Committee on Cooperation

The role of the Committee on Cooperation is to handle preparation, review and alterations to an institutional contract. Furthermore, the grouping of jobs shall be agreed upon. The Committee shall also address matters of dispute which may arise in relation to the implementation of an institutional contract.

Wage agreements contain further stipulations on the work methods of the Committee on Cooperation.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is appointed according to the Rules of the University of Akureyri on Penalties for Plagiarism. The Ethics Committee operates according to those rules and according to the Code of Ethics of the University of Akureyri.

Persons inside and outside the University may submit cases to the Committee, but the Committee itself does not initiate investigation of cases.

Observations shall be directed to the Chair of the Ethics Committee at each time.

The following shall be included in an observation:

  • Circumstances of the case
  • The articles in the Code of Ethics that the Committee is asked to give its opinion on
  • Accompanying documents that support the circumstances of the case

All parties specified in an observation sent to the Ethics Committee will be given an opportunity to explain their side of the matter within 14 days from the date when the Ethics Committee requests this.

The Ethics Committee issues a verdict on whether the specified ethical rules have been broken on the basis of the observation and possible objections to the observation.

All parties to a matter are sent the verdict of the Ethics Committee.

Board of FÉSTA Student Housing

FÉSTA Student Housing is a non-profit organisation. Registered students and the Municipality of Akureyri are parties to FÉSTA and appoint representatives to the Board. FÉSTA owns and operates student housing and handles various other services available to students.

Board of the Project Fund on Financial Support from the Municipality of Akureyri

Allocation from the Project Fund is in the hands of the Board.

The Board of the Project Fund submits a report to the Akureyri Town Council  in January of each year with information on the grants that have been allocated.

Board of Végeirsstaðir Fund

According to the charter of Végeirsstaðir Fund, which was confirmed by the University Council on 10 March 1998, the purpose of the Fund is to strengthen the operations of the University of Akureyri at Végeirsstaðir.

The Board addresses issues related to real estate, buildings, and liquid assets at Végeirsstaðir in the ownership of the University of Akureyri, according to a decision by the Rector.

Board of Directors of the UNAK Science Fund

The University of Akureyri Science Fund has the role of promoting research and scientific endeavour on behalf of the University. The Fund’s assets are derived from specific budgetary allocations, according to the decision of the University Council.

The Board of Directors is in charge of the finances of the Fund on behalf of the University Council and decides on allocations from the Fund.

The Board of Directors advertises and calls for applications for grant allocations from the Fund and decides on application periods if they have not been specified in the relevant allocation rules.

The Science Fund is divided into four subfunds: the Research Fund, Travel Fund, Work Duties Fund and Publication Fund.

The Board of Directors of the Science Fund is composed of six members, appointed by the University Council for a period of up to three years at a time.

Environmental Council

The Environmental Council operates in accordance with the Environmental Policy of UNAK.

Web Management

Web Management is assigned the task of developing an overall strategy for the website of the University, to ensure its quality in accordance with the Quality Strategy and to handle daily supervision of the website. Web Management is furthermore assigned the task of developing the intranet of the University.

Response Team

The UNAK Response Team is a part of the safety net of the University, along with others that are involved in ensuring its safety.

Science Council

Work procedures and tasks of the Science Council:

  1. The Science Council advises the Rector, the University Council, the Assembly and the Central Administration on science issues at the University of Akureyri.
  2. The Science Council promotes the shaping and revision of policy on science at the University of Akureyri.
  3. The Science Council works with the Quality Council towards shaping criteria and parameters used to assess scientific work at the University of Akureyri.
  4. The Science Council is the driving force in creating a better environment for research for lecturers at the University.
  5. A Research and Development Centre staff member attends the meetings of the Science Council, is the Council Secretary and manages its daily tasks.
  6. The University Council sets official duty regulations for the Science Council.

Security Committee

The Security Committee is appointed on the basis of the Act on Working Environment, Health and Safety in Workplaces No. 46/1980.

Professional Council on response to bullying, violence, gender-based and sexual harassment and gender-based and sexual violence within the University of Akureyri

The Professional Council operates according to Regulations on responding to bullying, violence, gender-based and sexual harassment and gender-based and sexual violence within the University of Akureyri.