The University Assembly is the main discussion forum for representatives of the University’s Central Administration, the Schools, representatives of University administration staff, as well as representatives of faculty and students.
The Assembly is a forum for the discussion of academic issues within the University and for the shaping of academic policy.
- The University Assembly is the main discussion forum for representatives of the University’s Central Administration, the Schools, University Office and faculty and students. The University Assembly shall be a forum for the discussion of academic issues within the University and for the shaping of academic policy.
- The University Assembly forms a science and education policy for the University and seeks to aid and strengthen its development.
- The University Council can seek the opinion of the University Assembly on anything which concerns university operations.
- The University Assembly is authorised to issue resolutions on anything concerning the University’s science and education policy, as well as on any other issues which the University Council decides to refer to it specifically.
- The University Assembly expresses its opinion in the form of resolutions; it is a discussion forum and an advisory party on the issues presented before the Assembly.
- The decisions of the University Council or other university institutions which report to it can not be appealed to the University Assembly for a final decision.
- The University Assembly shall be held at least once annually, and the Rector is in charge of the meeting and announces it.
- The Rector must publicise the University Assembly’s resolutions inside the University.
The following representatives have a right to a seat in the University Assembly:
- The Rector, Deans of Schools, the Managing Director, Director of Quality Management, Directors of University Office sections. Deputies will act as their alternates in the Assembly.
- Each School nominates five representatives among faculty members. The spokesperson for those members of the State University Professors Union, FPR, who are employed by the University of Akureyri, nominates one. The Board of the Association of University Teachers in Akureyri, FHA, nominates one. The University Office staff nominates two. All these representatives and their alternates shall be nominated following a voting process among the relevant faculty members of the Schools, among members of the respective union, and among University Office staff. All nominations are for a term of two years.
- Students at the University nominate six representatives and an equal number of alternates for one year at a time, following a vote in an SHA meeting. However, the University Council can decide each time to increase or decrease the number of representatives according to law.
- Members of the University Council have the right to a seat in the University Assembly without the right to vote.