The City of Akureyri has an output of wastewater that is comparable to a town that is twice as large. This is due to industrial activities but also a high private use of water, which is a general phenomenon in Iceland. This problem is exacerbated by the arrival of 200.000 tourists per year.
Historically, wastewater was pumped directly into Eyjafjörður without treatment. Over the last 7 years, Norðurorka has implemented a collection of wastewater, implemented pumping stations, and started monitoring water quality. In the summer of 2020, a preliminary treatment facility was added that filters out everything that is larger than 3mm.
While this is an improvement, unfortunately preliminary treatment alone does not remove potentially harmful substances like disease-causing fecal bacteria, chemicals, microplastics, or heavy metals.
Most places in Europe use secondary and/or tertiary wastewater treatment to decrease the burden on the environment. In Iceland, we are currently working on implementing preliminary treatment for all municipalities, to filter out large items like wet wipes and other rubbish. While the natural environment has some capacity to remove certain pollutants, others can be particularly problematic as they do not easily break down and can pose a risk to wildlife, including fish, whales, and birds, as well as the marine and coastal habitats themselves. Therefore, it is very important that we are all aware that everything we flush down the toilet, every chemical we use for cleaning and washing, will end up in the sea.
This survey is a student-initiated project at the University of Akureyri, within the green flag project, and is part of the activities of the environmental council of the University of Akureyri. All answers are recorded and stored anonymously. In this survey we want to gather data on awareness and opinions regarding wastewater treatment, to inform decision-makers. Thank you very much for participating!
Here you can access the survey
Among all participants, we choose some winners for packages of Oceansaver sponsored by Vistvæna búðin.
First results
The City of Akureyri has an output of wastewater that is comparable to a town that is twice as large. This is due to industrial activities but also an high private use of water, which is a general phenomenon in Iceland. This problem is exacerbated by the arrival of 200.000 tourists per year.
Historically, wastewater was pumped directly into Eyjafjörður without treatment. Over the last 7 years, Norðurorka has implemented collection of wastewater, implemented pumping stations, and started monitoring water quality. In the summer of 2020, a preliminary treatment facility was added that filters out everything that is larger than 3mm.
While this is an improvement, unfortunately preliminary treatment alone does not remove potentially harmful substances like disease-causing fecal bacteria, chemicals, microplastics, or heavy metals.
Most places in Europe use secondary and/or tertiary wastewater treatment to decrease the burden on the environment – not so Iceland:
Report to the EFTA Surveillance Authority regarding the implementation of Directive 91/271/EU on the treatment of wastewater from agglomerations.
In Iceland, we are still working on implementing preliminary treatment for all municipalities, to filter out large items like wet wipes and other rubbish. While the natural environment has some capacity to remove certain pollutants, others can be particularly problematic as they do not easily break down and can pose a risk to wildlife, including fish, whales, and birds, as well as the marine and coastal habitats themselves. Therefore, it is very important that we are all aware that everything we flush down the toilet, every chemical we use for cleaning and washing, will end up in the sea.
The survey of which we present here first results is a student-initiated project at the University of Akureyri, within the green flag project, and is part of the activities of the environmental council of the University of Akureyri.
The survey was released in January 2022 from the Environmental Council of the University of Akureyri. Since then, 333 participants have responded to it. The survey was advertised via social media and via word-by-mouth.