Regulations on the University of Akureyri Science Fund

NR. 723/2023


Web version last updated 25.09.2024

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  1. The Board of Directors of the Science Fund
  2. Research fund
  3. Evaluation of applications to the Research Fund
  4. Allocation of grants from the Research Fund
  5. Points to keep in mind when preparing an application to the Research Fund
  6. Travel Fund
  7. Travel Grant A
  8. The Travel Fund’s allocation rules for Travel Grant A
  9. Authorization period for Travel Grant A
  10. Travel Grant B
  11. Allocation rules for Travel Grant B
  12. Authorization period for Travel Grant B
  13. Work Duties Fund
  14. Allocation rules for the Work Duties Fund
  15. The Publication Fund
  16. Allocation rules for the Publication Fund
  17. Bibliographic requirements
  18. Entry into force

Article 1. The Board of Directors of the Science Fund

The University of Akureyri Science Fund has the role of promoting research and scientific endeavour on behalf of the University. The fund is divided into four subfunds. These are: the Research Fund, the Work Duties Fund, the Publication Fund and the Travel Fund.
The Board of Directors of the UNAK Science Fund allocates payments from the abovementioned funds in accordance with these regulations. The Fund’s assets are derived from specific budgetary allocations, in accordance with the decision of the University Council, for each individual fund. The University Council can specify other avenues of raising money and receiving monetary contributions from individuals, institutes and companies for the Fund. The Board of Directors is not authorised to accept contributions or gifts for the Fund that are subject to stipulations without the prior approval of the University Council.
The Board of Directors is composed of six individuals and is appointed by the University Council for a term of three years. One person, from outside the University, if possible, is nominated by the Rector as chairperson. Four are nominated by Deans of Schools, two from each school, and one representative of staff from administration/support services is nominated by the Rector. An alternate representative shall be appointed for each board director. The board may be reappointed in part or in full.
The board manages the Fund’s finances on behalf of the University Council. The board is authorized to establish procedures for allocation, which must be confirmed by the University Council. The University provides the Fund with the work of an employee of the University of Akureyri Research Centre. Accounting for the Fund is overseen by Finances and Analysis.
The board advertises applications for grants from the Science Fund’s sub-funds, cf. the application deadline for each individual fund.
The Board of Directors of the Fund reports annually in writing to the University Council about its work.

Article 2. Research fund

The Board of Directors of the University of Akureyri Science Fund manages the Research Fund of the University of Akureyri and allocates grants in accordance with these regulations. An application shall be sent to the Science Fund ( using a special form along with supporting documents specified on the form.
Adjuncts, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors and specialists hired by the University of Akureyri can apply for grants from the Fund for work on specific research projects and for payment of other costs for research conducted in the name of the University. Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors who were employed at the University when they started receiving their pension can apply for grants from the Fund on the same terms as specified above. Specialists shall be primarily engaged in research or receive a salary from fixed allocations or grants to the University of Akureyri. Also eligible for grants are specialists at institutions/companies that have made a special agreement with the University of Akureyri on access to the Research Fund.
Assessment of applications for project grants shall be based primarily on their scientific value. Furthermore, the research activity of applicants and the research interests of the University of Akureyri shall be taken into account. The Board of Directors can seek professional reports from outside parties concerning the applications of persons eligible for grants if the Board believes there is reason to do so. The grant recipient shall publish their findings in the name of the University of Akureyri.
If a Board member applies for a grant from the Fund, the Board member shall recuse themselves from all meetings concerning the allocation in question, with a substitute taking their place. In the same way, an employee of the Science Fund recuses themselves from all administrative duties if they are a party to an application. In other respects, general rules on disqualification apply, in accordance with Chapter II of Administrative Procedures Act no. 37/1993.
An advertisement for grants from the Research Fund shall be issued by approximately 1 September of each year. The application deadline shall be no later than 1 November. The maximum amount for grant allocations at each time shall be specified in the advertisement. Applicants shall be encouraged to familiarise themselves thoroughly with the rules of the fund. Only one application is taken into consideration from each main applicant.

Article 3. Evaluation of applications to the Research Fund

For an application to be considered worthy of a grant, the project must be academically well defined and its scientific value must be beyond doubt and carefully supported with arguments.
For the application to be taken into consideration, the following supporting documents must be enclosed:
  1. A detailed CV of all applicants, together with an overview of their research points from Research Administration where applicable. Power points must be specified separately.
  2. In the case of a follow-up application, a progress report and a detailed financial statement for the last grant period, as well as published articles and reports, must be enclosed with the application.
  3. Final reports (or progress reports) for earlier projects by the applicant that have been supported by the Fund.
  4. Detailed explanations for all items of expenditure and financing shall be included on a separate sheet. It must state the work contribution, in weeks, of everyone who contributes to the research. It must also state what funds are contributed to the project by other parties. The estimated work contribution to the research must be as clear as possible.
If the project is part of a larger project or a prelude to a larger project, this must be mentioned, as well as the scope, aims and possible financing of the project. The contribution of others should be clearly stated. It is important that applicants demonstrate their scientific qualifications and that of their collaborators, as well as satisfactory facilities to lead work on the proposed project. Defined and active connections with other research projects, domestic and foreign, can increase the chances of a project receiving a grant.
The Fund also provides preliminary grants for the preparation of applications to competitive funds. The intended publication process of the research should be described.
It is an advantage if the project includes the training of young and/or UNAK students, strengthens domestic and international competitiveness of scientists and increases international participation in the field of science.
An application will be strengthened if it is demonstrated that the proposed subject matter or related projects are likely to produce results that will be published in peer-reviewed journals with high academic standards (in accordance with the ISI standard or other publications categorised as „aflstig“, power points; see further information on Ugla/rannsoknir/framtal starfa), or will lead to a patent registration, intellectual property rights or other utilisation. Applicants who have received a grant from the Fund in the past three years for a project that was supposed to lead to such a publication or utilisation shall submit a copy of published material or a special report if applicable to the employee of the Fund at the University of Akureyri Research Centre no later than upon submitting a new application.

Article 4. Allocation of grants from the Research Fund

The Board of the Research Fund divides applications into the following four categories:
  1. An excellent application.
  2. A strong application, minor weaknesses.
  3. An application with one or more limiting weaknesses.
  4. A weak application with major weaknesses or which is not suitable for this fund.
The Board can propose that an application receives part of the amount for which a grant is applied for and also that some aspects of a project are funded and others not. At the end of the allocation process, which spans 10 weekdays, after information on the financial standing of the Fund is sent to the Board from the University Council, applicants will receive a reply on the decision of the Board of Directors.

Article 5. Points to keep in mind when preparing an application to the Research Fund

Grants are allocated once a year, with the application deadline generally being 1 November, as specified in the advertisement for each year. Applications shall be sent via email to Only electronic applications are accepted, via the Fund’s template/application form. Applicants are advised to thoroughly familiarise themselves with who has the right to apply for a grant from the Fund and which expenses may be funded.
Applicants are reminded that high-quality applications are more likely to be awarded grants. A progress report on the use of grants from the Fund and on success attained during the period covered by the grant must accompany applications.
Applicants are asked to submit a plan of implementation for the project so that the Allocation Committee has an overview of the expenses and progress of the project. Furthermore, applicants shall submit a detailed project schedule for the coming grant year, as the application is valid for only one year at a time. Payments are spread out over the grant period in accordance with outlay expenditures based on the project schedule in the application. Outlay expenditures are paid in accordance with confirmed invoices. It is necessary that applicants clearly report the prospective involvement of parties other than the Research Fund in covering the costs of the project, so that it is possible to evaluate the importance of a grant from the Fund in relation to the full expense of the project. This is also to ensure that grants are not awarded at the same time from other sources to cover the same expenses. Applicants must provide reasoning for individual expenses and explain the need for a grant to cover them. Reference shall be made to the rules on the Research Fund of the University of Akureyri regarding an applicant’s eligibility. The Board of Directors is permitted to have a specific area of emphasis in relation to granting allocations, in which case the Board encourages applications in those areas in the advertisement when appropriate.
Grants are awarded in particular to cover the following expenses:
  • Wages for the work of young scientists/students at UNAK on the research project in accordance with the application. An applicant eligible for a grant in accordance with Article 1 of these regulations can apply for a salary for the work of Master’s and Doctoral students in a project that the applicant manages, but students who are not a part of the group defined in Article 1 cannot apply themselves. Grants are not awarded for the work of doctoral students if they receive a grant from another source.
  • Other research expenses. This category may include, for example, various supplies, services purchased in accordance with the application, costs for publication and travel costs for data collection, if the travel costs are not covered by the Travel Fund.
  • Purchase of equipment and software necessary for individual research projects, if such equipment is not available within UNAK or the research group in question.
  • Preliminary grant for the preparation of a research project grant application. Among other things, the grant can be used to fund the assistance of experts in the preparation of a competition fund application or preliminary research that would lead to an application for a grant for a larger project.
  • Registration projects and/or databases. Funding academic registration projects and projects that include academic processing and presentation of information is permitted. In order for registration projects to be eligible for funding, they must be based on the academic and critical criteria of individual research fields and be supervised by researchers who have the same academic qualifications and experience as expected in other applications. One of the main prerequisites for grants is that the project must be likely to support and facilitate university research in the field in question.
Out-of-pocket expenses of up to 85% are paid as the project progresses, in accordance with invoices received from the beneficiary. 15% of the grant amount is paid when the final report on the project has been submitted to the administrator of the Science Fund. If research requires the permission of the National Bioethics Committee, its permission must be obtained before payments are made from the funds. Accounting for the fund is overseen by Finances and Analysis. An allocated grant that has not been used two years after allocation is cancelled and goes back to the Fund.

Article 6. Travel Fund

The Board of Directors of the University of Akureyri Science Fund manages the Travel Fund of the University of Akureyri and allocates grants in accordance with these regulations. The Project Manager of Accounting and Research receives all applications to the Travel Fund on a special form together with enclosed documents and processes them in accordance with the Fund’s regulations on behalf of the board. The project manager must report to the board twice a year about the processing of applications to the Fund. Only electronic applications are accepted.
The University Council agrees to contribute to the University of Akureyri Staff Travel Fund and annually determines the amount to be contributed.

Article 7. Travel Grant A

Employees who hold primary employment at the University of Akureyri, with an employment ratio of 50% or more, can apply for a grant from the UNAK Travel Fund (Travel Grant A) in accordance with the employment ratio. Employees with a lower employment ratio are not eligible for funding from the UNAK Travel Fund.
The following can apply for a grant from the Travel Fund:
  • Adjuncts, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors.
  • Specialists, academics and researchers who are hired on the basis of a competency assessment to the institutions of the University of Akureyri.
  • Other employees of the University of Akureyri whose jobs are assessed in accordance with the Evaluation System for Public Higher Education Institutions.
  • Retired employees who were covered in items a–c and were employees of the University of Akureyri at the time of retirement.

Article 8. The Travel Fund’s allocation rules for Travel Grant A

Grants are awarded for travel to international or domestic scientific conferences, for participation in international or domestic scientific projects and for data collection for research if the following criteria are met:
  • In order to have the possibility of a grant from UNAK Travel Fund for trips to international or domestic scientific conferences, the applicant must demonstrate the importance of the trip for their research projects. The applicant must contribute to the conference by way of a lecture, a poster or other similar means. A copy of the lecture or a poster must be submitted after the trip.
  • A grant can be applied for if the purpose of the trip is to start a research collaboration. This must be substantiated separately with a detailed description of the planned collaboration/research, with the main focus on the likely benefit of the collaboration for the applicant’s work at the University of Akureyri.
  • A travel grant can be applied for, for the purpose of obtaining the necessary data for research in libraries/archives/research institutes, provided that these cannot be obtained by other means. This must be substantiated separately with a detailed description of the necessity of the planned data collection and the reasons why these cannot be obtained by other means.
  • Grants from the UNAK Travel Fund are divided into grants for the payment of fares, conference fees and per diem allowances. Grants for per diem allowances are paid in accordance with the rules on per diems for government employees traveling abroad.
  • The grant recipient must, within two months of returning home, submit a report to be published on the UNAK intranet / Ugla about their contribution and how the trip has strengthened their and the University’s research.

Article 9. Authorization period for Travel Grant A

The combined grant for any two consecutive years can amount to a maximum of 400,000 ISK for the payment of travel fees, conference fees and per diems. The maximum duration of individual sponsored trips is two days beyond the duration of the conference, but not more than seven days in total. The grant can be divided into more than one trip per authorization period. The maximum grant is based on a 100% employment ratio.

Article 10. Travel Grant B

UNAK administration staff with a 50% employment ratio or more can apply for a grant from the UNAK Travel Fund (Travel Grant B) in accordance with the employment ratio. Employees with a lower employment ratio are not eligible for funding from the UNAK Travel Fund.

Article 11. Allocation rules for Travel Grant B

Grants are awarded for travel to international scientific conferences, for participation in international scientific projects and for data collection for research if the following criteria are met:
  • To be eligible for a grant from the UNAK Travel Fund for trips to international or domestic scientific conferences, the applicant must make a contribution to the conference and/or make a contribution that will benefit the University of Akureyri. The grant recipient must, within two months of returning home, submit a report to the Research Administration about their contribution.
  • A grant can be applied for if the purpose of the trip is to start a research collaboration and/or learn about innovations and entrepreneurship elsewhere that support research conducted by UNAK. This must be substantiated separately with a detailed description of the planned collaboration/research, with the main focus on the likely benefit of the collaboration for the applicant’s work at the University of Akureyri.
  • Furthermore, a travel grant can be applied for, for the purpose of obtaining the necessary data for research in libraries/archives/research institutes, provided that these cannot be obtained by other means. This must be substantiated separately with a detailed description of the necessity of the planned data collection and the reasons why these cannot be obtained by other means.
  • Grants from the UNAK Travel Fund are divided into grants for the payment of fares and conference fees. Grants for per diem allowances are paid in accordance with the UNAK regulation on per diems.

Article 12. Authorization period for Travel Grant B

The authorization period is two calendar years. The maximum grant from the UNAK Travel Fund to each applicant can amount to ISK 400,000 in each authorization period for the payment of travel fees, conference fees and per diems. The maximum duration of individual sponsored trips is two days beyond the duration of the conference, but not more than seven days in total. The grant can be divided into more than one trip per authorization period. The maximum grant is based on a 100% employment ratio.

Article 13. Work Duties Fund

The Board of Directors of the University of Akureyri Science Fund manages the Work Duties Fund of the University of Akureyri and allocates grants in accordance with these regulations.
Grants are provided from the fund to finance temporary changes in the work duties of teachers at the school, i.e. changes that strengthen their position to work on or lead work on certain well-defined projects in the field of research. Each year, the University Council determines the contribution to the Fund when processing the University’s budget for the coming year. Allocations from the Fund go to Schools.
The Board of Directors of the UNAK Science Fund annually estimates, in accordance with the regulations of the Fund and its financial position, how much is allocated to each School. The Board of Directors’ plan should preferably be in place by mid-February. The allocation can be used for the rest of the year and the spring semester of the following year.
The Board of Directors of the Science Fund advertises the Work Duties Fund grants as available for application in the middle of January each year. Applications by Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and/or nominations by Deans of Schools for Assistant Professors and Associate Professors must be received by the fund by February 15. If there is any money left in the Fund after the allocation, it must advertise again, with an application deadline of September 15. The Board of Directors must have finished processing applications no later than March 15 / October 15 each year.
An Assistant Professor or Associate Professor who has achieved satisfactory results in research can apply directly for a grant to the Fund to temporarily shift their work duties from teaching to research, cf. Part A of Paragraph 1 of Article 14, the credits pathway. The Dean of School can, in accordance with Part B of Paragraph 1 of Article 14, the nomination pathway, apply for an allocation from the fund according to these regulations if they decide to use the permission to temporarily shift the work duties of an Assistant Professor / Associate Professor from teaching to research. In both cases, it is a condition that the grant be used for certain well-defined research projects. An Assistant Professor or Associate Professor who applies for leave from the Work Duties Fund must submit a proposal to the Dean of School regarding who takes over their teaching duties during the leave, so that it is ensured that the teaching takes place in a normal manner.

Article 14. Allocation rules for the Work Duties Fund

It is permitted to allocate from the fund to employees who meet one of the following criteria:

a) The Credits Pathway

It is permitted to allocate from the fund for teachers who have achieved satisfactory results in research, measured in power credits, cf. Point 1 of Paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the regulations on the academic advancement and tenure of academic staff at the University of Akureyri no. 1010/2016 to partially relieve them from teaching duties, in order to better enable them to work on specific, well-defined projects in the field of research. Satisfactory results are indicated by Assistant Professor or Associate Professor earning 30 or more power points in the last three to five years. If there is more than one applicant within each field of study who has achieved this level of success, priority shall be given to the applicants who have earned the most power points when a decision is made on the allocation of a grant.

b) The Nomination Pathway

The Dean of School is authorized to make a proposal that individual Assistant Professors or Associate Professors, despite not meeting the criteria according to the credits pathway, receive a temporary transfer of work duties from teaching to research projects or projects aimed at promoting research work and research collaboration. Each such proposal must be accompanied by a substantiation from the Dean of School regarding the teacher’s ability to work on the projects in question. When applications are evaluated according to the nomination pathway, applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. The applicant has recently received a large grant for research from competitive funds.
  2. The applicant’s publications have recently been published in reputable peer-reviewed journals or by reputable publishing houses in the academic field in question.
  3. The applicant has recently received a prestigious award in their field of study.
  4. The applicant has shown excellent results in their research and their research attracts great attention.
  5. The applicant must spend a considerable amount of time preparing an application for a grant to a competitive fund, e.g. within Horizon Europe.
  6. The applicant’s contribution to the benefit of the University/school/faculty, such as in the field of promotion or strengthening of networks, is significant.
The fund’s Board of Directors’ aim shall be that at least 80% of the allocation in each case be for teachers who meet the criteria according to Point A, Paragraph 1 of Article 14, the credits pathway. An Assistant Professor or Associate Professor who applies for a grant according to the credits pathway must present the signature of their Dean of School certifying that the application is being submitted with their knowledge.
Normally, each School receives a share of the total allocation in accordance with the number of research points of all academic staff in the last three years. However, each School within the University shall receive no less than 1/10 of the allocations each year by the credits pathway, cf. Point A, Paragraph 1 of Article 14. The transfer of working hours from teaching to research can normally be a quarter of the teacher’s teaching duties. However, the Fund’s Board of Directors is authorized to determine a different percentage in exceptional cases. If the Fund is not used for its intended purpose, the Dean of School can apply to the Fund to use the money for the benefit of other Assistant Professors or Associate Professors in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs 2–5 of Article 13. An Assistant Professor or Associate Professor who benefits from a transfer must teach more than corresponding half of the teaching discount granted in addition to a new teaching obligation before overtime due to teaching comes into play.
The Fund provides the school in question with a grant amounting to the estimated average cost of transferring a teacher. The Board of Directors decides annually what should be considered the average cost due to a transfer, which amounts to a quarter of the teaching obligation.
The Board of Directors can establish more detailed work rules, to be confirmed by the University Council.
If a Board member applies for a grant from the Fund, the Board member shall recuse themselves from the processing of applications, with a substitute taking their place. In the same way, an employee of the Science Fund recuses themselves from all administrative duties if they are a party to an application. In other respects, general rules on disqualification apply, in accordance with Chapter II of the Administrative Procedures Act no. 37/1993.

Article 15. The Publication Fund

The Board of Directors of the University of Akureyri Science Fund manages the Publication Fund of the University of Akureyri and allocates grants in accordance with these regulations. An application shall be sent to the Science Fund ( using a special form along with supporting documents specified on the form. An employee of the fund advertises the application deadline one month in advance, stating the total amount available to the fund for allocation. Normally, each grant cannot amount to more than a third of the total amount.
The application deadline expires on February 15 each year. If there is any money left in the fund after the allocation, it must advertise again, with an application deadline of September 15. The Board of Directors must have finished processing applications no later than March 15 / October 15 each year.
The Publication Fund is intended to support the publication of peer-reviewed academic articles in open access or peer-reviewed publications for which applicants are responsible as authors or editors. It is also authorized to fund patent applications. A special effort should be made to support projects that promote the University of Akureyri, increase its visibility in society or communicate new knowledge to the public or to the scientific community.
A grant may be applied for when a project is ready for publication, an academic subject is approved for publication or for a patent application. Each grant can never amount to more than one-third of the amount awarded to the fund each year, and no single applicant can receive a higher amount during the year. The allocation must be decided no later than two months after the application is submitted.

Article 16. Allocation rules for the Publication Fund

Adjuncts, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors and specialists who are employed at the University of Akureyri and who are the authors or editors of the publications described in the grant application have the right to apply for a grant from the Publication Fund. Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors who were working at the University when they started receiving a pension can also apply for money from the Fund. Specialists shall be primarily engaged in research or receive a salary from fixed allocations or grants to the University of Akureyri. Also eligible for grants are specialists at institutions/companies that have made a special agreement with the University of Akureyri on access to the Fund. The application must indicate:
  1. The academic value of the work.
  2. Research interests and connection to UNAK activities.
  3. Whether the work receives grants or facilitation from other parties.
The application must be accompanied by a completed manuscript together with a publication and cost estimate that has been confirmed by an authorized publishing house, such as Háskólaútgáfan. Other factors being equal, peer-reviewed manuscripts that will deliver research points to UNAK are given priority.
The Board of Directors of the University of Akureyri Science Fund allocates grants on the basis of applications in accordance with these regulations. Applicants must be notified in writing of the processing of the application, including the grant amount and other conditions regarding the grant. Grants will not be paid until the relevant publication is completed and ready for printing or when journal articles have been accepted for publication. Grants are paid upon presentation of invoices.

Article 17. Bibliographic requirements

In the case of a book published by a recognized publishing house, the UNAK logo must appear clearly, but otherwise the standard publication requirements must be followed. In the case of other types of material that are published separately, a clear reference to a grant from UNAK must be made.
Bibliographic information must accompany the application if it is not provided by an authorized publishing house. The publication must fulfil bibliographic requirements, be reviewed by staff members of the UNAK Library and Information Services and be clearly marked with the University’s name.
The Library and Information Services allocate ISBN (International Standard Book Number) numbers. An application for an ISBN number can be made by submitting a request to the email address Accompanying the request must be bibliographic information on the publication, such as the title, author/editor, publisher and the estimated date of publication.
Bibliographic information that must be in place:

a) Bibliographic information on the title page

  1. Title.
  2. Authors/editors.
  3. UNAK logo.

b) Bibliographic information on the back of the title page

  1. Publisher.
  2. Place of publication.
  3. Copyright.
  4. Year of publication.
  5. Printing/distribution.
  6. ISBN.
  7. ISSN (if applicable).
  8. Who supports the publication of the book – name of the fund.
  9. Authors.
  10. Editors.
  11. Peer reviewers – if applicable.
  12. Permanent e-book URL or DOI number/URL.

c) Back page

  1. UNAK logo.
  2. ISBN number with bar code.

d) Spine

  1. UNAK logo.
If a Board member applies for a grant from the Fund, the Board member shall recuse themselves from all meetings concerning the allocation in question, with a substitute taking their place. In the same way, an employee of the Science Fund recuses themselves from all administrative duties if they are a party to an application. In other respects, general rules on disqualification apply, in accordance with Chapter II of the Administrative Procedures Act no. 37/1993.

Article 18. Entry into force

These regulations, set in accordance with Act no. 85/2008 on Public Higher Education Institutions and regulations no. 694/2022 for the University of Akureyri, enter into force immediately.
The University of Akureyri, 22 June 2023.
Eyjólfur Guðmundsson, Rector.