Policing and Society Conference

For the 7th time, the Policing and Society Conference takes place at UNAK — The theme of this year's conference is Community Policing

The Policing and Society Conference is a venue where Icelandic and international academics and professionals meet and converse about policing in a broad sense. This year’s conference theme is Community Policing.

You register here for the conference


Wednesday 2 October 8:15-13:25



Registration and delivery of conference documents. Students at the University of Akureyri do not need to register. 


OPENING: Birgir Jónasson, Lögreglan á Norðurlandi vestra og Háskólinn á Akureyri (N101)

9:10 - 9:50

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Community Policing in Socioeconomically Vulnerable Areas - Implementing evidence based policing from a practitioners perspective – John Franco, Sænska lögreglan (N101)


  • The policing part of community policing - Joery Matthys, Leiden háskóli (N101)
  • Frá lögum til aðgerða: Að þróa áfram samfélagsmiðaða löggæslu – Eygló Harðardóttir, Ríkislögreglustjóri (M101)
  • That’s not sexual harassment, is it? - Brita Bjørkelo, Norski lögregluháskólinn og Oslo New University College (ONUC), Silje Lundgren og Malin Wieslander, Linköping háskóli, Ulla-Carin Hedin og Linda Lane, Gautaborgarháskóli, Tanja Nordberg og Celine Pedersen, Oslo Metropolitan University, Kristian Stampe Nielsen, Háskóli Suður Danmerkur, Tale Røijen Størdal, Norski lögregluháskólinn og Eva Gemzøe Mikkelsen, Háskóli Suður Danmerkur (M102)
  • Þróun alvarlegra ofbeldisbrota ungmenna og vopnaburður - Guðbjörg S. Bergsdóttir, Ríkislögreglustjóri (N102)


  • Community police officers: Preventing crime and reducing fear of crime? – Adam Jonsson, Malmö háskóli (N101)
  • Samfélagslöggæsla LRH. Byrjunin, staðan og framtíðin - Elísabet Ósk Maríusdóttir og Unnar Þór Bjarnason, Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (M101)
  • The use of preventive strategies to empower police trainees to respond to sexual harassment – Laufey Axelsdóttir, Finnborg S. Steinþórsdóttir og Gyða M. Pétursdóttir, Háskóli Íslands (M102)
  • Hnífaburður ungmenna í gögnum lögreglu – Snorri Örn Árnason, Ríkislögreglustjóri (N102)


  • Detecting Global Crime at a Local Level: The interaction between community policing and human trafficking in Scotland - Scarlet Robertson, Stirling háskóli (N101)
  • Samfélagslöggæsla á Norðurlandi vestra – „Nýsköpun“ í löggæslu! – Ásdís Ýr Arnarsdóttir og Birgir Jónasson, Lögreglan á Norðurlandi vestra (M101)
  • Forum Scenario Training as Intervention against Sexual Harassment within the Police - Malin Wieslander og Silje Lundgren, Linköping háskóli (M102)
  • Líkamsárásir með eggvopnum. Hverjir beita eggvopni, gegn hverjum og í hvaða aðstæðum? - Sædís Jana Jónsdóttir, Birna Friðfinnsdóttir og Jónas Orri Jónasson, Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (N102)


  • A Framework for Community Engagement - James E. McCabe, St. John‘s háskóli (N101)
  • „Og hvað heitir þú?“ Er samfélagslöggæsla möguleg, ef borgarinn vill ekki gefa upp nafn sitt við lögreglu? Heimildir lögreglu og réttur almennra borgara – Hrannar Már Hafberg, Háskólinn á Akureyri (M101)
  • Piloting “Intervene-SH” in the Norwegian Police Service – Tale Røijen Størdal, Norski lögregluháskólinn og Norski vísinda- og tækniháskólinn, Brita Bjørkelo, Norski lögregluháskólinn og Oslo New University College (ONUC), Anniken Grønstad, Oslo New University College (ONUC), Eva Gemzøe Mikkelsen, Háskóli Suður Danmerkur og Eva Langvik, Norski vísinda- og tækniháskólinn (M102)
  • Hagnýting barna og ungmenna í skipulagðri brotatstarfsemi – Katrín Sif Oddgeirsdóttir og Bjarki Sigurðsson, Ríkislögreglustjóri (N102)


LUNCH: Open at Kaffi Borg on the second floor of the university. 

Wednesday 2 October 13:25-19:00



  • Immigration, Crime, and Effective Law Enforcement Strategies – Margrét Valdimarsdóttir, Háskóli Íslands (N101)
  • Samfélagslögregla og tölvuleikir – Símon Geir Geirsson, Lögreglan í Vestmannaeyjum (M101)
  • Hindrances to inclusive work environment: Gender-based harrassment and negative attitudes towards women in the police – Finnborg S. Steinþórsdóttir og Gyða M. Pétursdóttir, Háskóli Íslands (M102)
  • Trust in the police in Iceland – Rannveig Þórisdóttir, Ríkislögreglustjóri og Háskóli Íslands (N102)


  • Exploring Immigrants‘ Willingness to Cooperate with Police in Europe: A Comprehensive Analysis of Police Activity, Legitimacy, and Sociopolitical - Institutional Contexts – Idris Güçlü, Utrecht háskóli (N101)
  • Hvaða áhrif gætu Mendez lögmálin haft á framkvæmd lögreglurannsókna og þjálfun rannsóknarlögreglumanna á Íslandi? – Ríkislögreglustjóri, Háskólinn á Akureyri og Háskóli Íslands og Eiríkur Valberg, Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu, Háskólinn á Akureyri og Canterbury Christ Church háskóli (M101)
  • Mapping and developing policing on intimate partner violence in the Swedish Police – Sara Källman, Sænska lögreglan og Cecilia Jonsson,
    Linnaeus háskóli og Malin Wieslander, Linköping háskóli (M102)
  • Navigating Uncertainty: Migrants‘ Institutional Trust During COVID-19 – Stéphanie Barillé og Markus Meckl, Háskólinn á Akureyri (N102)


  • Local policing is all about police officers‘ perceptions – Hans de Vries, Leiden háskóli (N101)
  • Valdbeiting lögreglu of viðhorf almennings til rafvarnavopna – Jónas Orri Jónasson og Tara Sif Khan, Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (M101)
  • Work engagement, mastery, stress, and mental health among police emergency dispatchers in Norway – Brita Bjørkelo, Norski lögregluháskólinn
    og Oslo New University College (ONUC) og Eva Langvik, Norski vísinda- og tækniháskólinn (M102)
  • Recruitment, Education and Careers in the Police – Sverre Flaatten, Pål Winnæss, Marie-Louise Damen, Norski lögregluháskólinn og Cecilia Jonsson og Magnus Persson, Linnaeus háskóli (N102)


  • Problem solving night-time economy related serious violence in and around licensed premises and take away restaurants within Leicester City Centre, England – Mark Brennan og Anne Reimers, Lögreglan í Leicestershire (N101)
  • Skotvopnaleyfi – ný kerfi – nýir möguleikar – Þórir Ingvarsson og Þórarinn Ingvarsson, Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (M101)
  • Gender-Based Violence and Access to Justice: Disabled Women, Lack of Reporting and the Police – Eliona Gjecaj, Háskóli Íslands (M102)
  • Reforming police education in Iceland: a comparative analysis of competence development before and after the transition to university education – Ólafur Örn Bragason, Ríkislögreglustjóri, Háskólinn á Akureyri og Háskóli Íslands og Marie-Louise Damen, Norski lögregluháskólinn (N102)


  • Building Your Own “Fusion” Center: Navigating Community Engagement, Local Data, and Policing Strategies – Ellen S. Steinberg og Ashleigh N. Wojslawowicz, Charleston County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (N101)
  • Uppbyggileg réttvísi á Íslandi: Raunhæfur valkostur í réttarvörslukerfinu? – Helgi Gunnlaugsson, Háskóli Íslands (M101)
  • Áhrif COVID-19 faraldursins á andlega heilsu viðbragðsaðila í neyðarþjónustu – Sigríður Björk Þormar, Háskólinn í Reykjavík (M102)
  • Police students’ ruminations during a critical scenario simulation – Kristin Stenshol, Norski lögregluháskólinn og Háskólinn í Bergen, Bjørn Sætrevik, Háskólinn í Bergen og Patrick Risan, Norski lögregluháskólinn (N102)


Happy Hour á Berjaya Hotel


Ráðstefnukvöldverður á veitingastaðnum Aurora á Barjaya Hotel

Thursday, October 3 



  • The racist legacy of policing misdemeanours: A critical literature review of the broken windows theory – Heini Litmanen, Turku háskóli (N101)
  • Samfélagslöggæsla á hafi. Landhelgisgæsla Íslands – Klara Bjartmarz, Landhelgisgæsla Íslands (M101)
  • Child protection and the police – Therese Bäckman og Kristofer Nilsson, Borås háskóli (M102)
  • Modern models of legislative regulation of the institution of Euthanasia in the Republic of Poland and Iceland – Georgii Sibirtsev, Gdańsk háskóli (N102)


  • Hidden Voices: Marginalised community perspectives on safety – Lisa Jordan, Mercy háskólasjúkrahús og Gautam Gulati, Limerick háskóli (N101)
  • Victim Participation in European Civil Law Systems: A Comparative Perspective – Hildur Fjóla Antonsdóttir, Háskólinn á Akureyri (M101)
  • Prevent and Protect through Support – Training modules for LEA´s against child sexual abuse – Julia Willmes og Matthias Lapp, Þýski lögregluháskólinn (M102)


  • Digital Community Policing as a measure to prevent radicalization and extremism – Steven Avanzato-Driesner, Kölnarháskóli og Lögreglan í Berlín (N101)
  • Líkamlegt ofbeldi gagnvart börnum: Afdrif mála sem Barnavernd Reykjavíkur hefur vísað til rannsóknar hjá lögreglu – Freydís Jóna Freysteinsdóttir, Háskóli Íslands og Elísabet Gunnarsdóttir, Barnavernd Reykjavíkur (M101)
  • The Role of Age, Gesture Use and Conceptual Thinking in Recall Accuracy of Investigative Interviewing – Remy Suurna, Valeri Murnikov og Kristjan Kask, Tallinn háskóli (M102)


  • Rhetorical Citizenship on The Swedish Police Authority‘s Social Media – Astrid Skoglund, Linnaeus háskóli (N101)
  • „Yfirleitt gerum við eins og aðstæðurnar sem við komum úr.“ Mikilvægi stuðnings við fangelsaða foreldra – Selma Dögg Björgvinsdóttir, Háskóli Íslands (M101)
  • First responder police officers‘ communication strategies and experiences of meeting with victims of domestic violence – Josefina Jarl, Umeå háskóli (M102)


  • The Swedish Police Authority on Twitter/X – a study of strategic communication and organizational legitimacy – Jenny-Ann Brodin Danell, Umeå háskóli (N101)
  • Crime in the neighborhood: A spatial approach of offenders in Akureyri – Dylan Herrera og Guðbjörg S. Bergsdóttir, Ríkislögreglustjóri (M101)
  • Exploring Interrogation Dynamics and Nonverbal Communication in the Courtroom – Sofia Ask og Joachim Lindh, Linnaeus háskóli (M102)


  • Information acquisition sequences in police-citizen encounters – Antti Kannisto, Oulu háskóli (N101)
  • Varað við lýsingum: Umfjöllun fjölmiðla um kynferðisbrot – Guðbjörg Hildur Kolbeins, Háskólinn á Akureyri (M101)
  • Dynamic homicide risk assessment based on the behaviour of perpetrators in the context of separation – Stefanie Horn, Catharina Vogt, Emily Müller og Thomas Görgen, Þýski lögregluháskólinn (M102)


  • Exploring the Role of Community Policing in an Evolving Icelandic Society: Opportunities and Challenges – Andrew Paul Hill, Háskólinn á Akureyri (N101)
  • Everyone Convicted at Bristol Magistrates’ Court: Media representations of policing, crime and justice during the crisis in local news – Gordon Neil Ramsay, Háskólinn á Akureyri (stofa M101)
  • Restating Power and Control? Criminal Justice Responses to Women Who Retaliate – Antje Joel, De Montfort háskóli (M102)


  • “I think we‘ve all got a duty of care… and you don‘t need to stop where you think your role ends”: A case study of how connective professionalism
    can improve community safety and wellbeing – Professor Nadine Dougall, Scottish Centre for Policing & Public Health, Edinburgh Napier háskóli, Inga Heyman, Scottish Centre for Policing & Public Health, Edinburgh Napier háskóli, Andrew Tatnell og Andrew Wooff, Edinburg Napier háskóli og Stephen MacGillivray, Sirius Systematic Review Services Ltd. (N101)
  • Police-Minority Encounters in Iceland: suspicion, excess and minor harassments through the eyes of people with darker phenotype – Armando Garcia, Háskóli Íslands og Eyrún Eyþórsdóttir, Háskólinn á Akureyri (M101)
  • The role of physical activity in musculoskeletal pain conditions among police employees: methodological considerations – Lillis Rabbing, Norski lögregluháskólinn og Brita Bjørkelo, Norski lögregluháskólinn og Oslo New University College (ONUC) og Eva Langvik, Norski vísinda- og tækniskólinn (M102)


LOKAORÐ: Guðmundur Oddsson, Háskólinn á Akureyri (N101)


Programme (PDF)

abstracts (PDF)

Keynote Speakers


is a Professor of Criminology in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Dundee and an Associate Director of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR). Her work focuses on aspects of police culture, stop and search, community policing, public sector pluralisation in policing and surveillance practices of the state. She has published in several journals, including The European Journal of Criminology, The British Journal of Criminology, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Policing and Society and Policing: A journal of policy and practice. She has published two monographs: Policing Football (2005) and Police Community Support Officers (2019). She has received funding from the Economic and Social Research Council, Horizon 2020 (Unity), Nordforsk (as PI) and in 2023 was the coordinator for a successful application to Horizon Europe (Project Clarus, now serving as Scientific Lead). Prof. O’Neill’s work is largely qualitative, with a particular focus on ethnography.


is a Field Commander in the Swedish Police. An undocumented immigrant from Colombia as a child, John later enrolled in the Swedish National Police Academy and began working as a Police Officer in 2008. For most of his career, John has worked to make a difference in socioeconomically vulnerable areas using community policing as a guiding methodology. John understands both the challenges of implementing community policing and how evidence-based police work effects positive changes. He received His Majesty the King’s award for value-based leadership in 2014 and the Swedish hero 2015 award for his work with young adults in Botkyrka. From 2019-2023, John served as an advisor to the Colombian Police on community policing and was awarded the Colombian National Police Medal for “Distinguished Services”. 

Useful information:

  • The conference will be held October 2 and 3, 2024, in the Miðborg house of the University of Akureyri. The conference runs from 9:00 Wednesday October 2 to 13:00 Thursday October 3.
  • Each presentation is allotted 25 minutes, which includes Q&A. 
  • The conference registration fee is €55 per person and the program, coffee and refreshments are included. University students attend free of charge. Conference attendees pay for their own travel and accommodation.
  • There will be a conference dinner Wednesday October 2.
  • Several airlines fly to Iceland, including Icelandair.
  • Icelandair flies from Reykjavík to Akureyri

Facebook event

Further information:

For more information contact Guðmundur Oddsson, Professor of Sociology at the University of Akureyri goddsson@unak.is; tel. +354 460 8677.