5.- 6. October
This year’s conference theme is police understaffing
The Policing and Society Conference is a venue where Icelandic and international academics and professionals meet and converse about policing in a broad sense. This year’s conference theme is police understaffing, which refers to the fact that Iceland has one of the fewest police officers in Europe per capita, and their numbers have declined over the past 15 years. Police understaffing affects general policing, crime prevention and proactive policing and increases workload. Therefore, it is important to examine the effects of police understaffing and identify ways to address the issue.
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Wednesday before lunch
OPENING: Ólafur Örn Bragason, Mennta- og starfsþróunarsetur lögreglu (N101)
FIRST KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Who leaves the police - and why? Silje Bringsrud Fekjær, Osló Metropolitan háskólinn (N101)
- Solving Understaffing in Crime Investigation with Civilian Investigators: Opportunities and Pitfall - Ulrika Haake, Ola Lindberg, Oscar Rantatalo og Cassandra Poikela, Umeå háskóli (N101)
- Mannekla lögreglu - Fjölnir Sæmundsson, Landssamband lögreglumanna og Lögreglan á Suðurlandi (M101)
- Police Size and Crime: Panel Data Analysis of the US Law Enforcement Management Administrative Statistics - Hyon Namgung, Metropolitan ríkisháskólinn í Denver (M102)
- Innovations with Recruitment of Women in Law Enforcement - Kym Craven, Landsamband kvenkyns lögreglustjórnenda (N101)
- Vinnuslys í löggæslu - Guðmundur Már Magnússon, Vinnueftirlitið (M101)
- First Nations Australians: Over-Policed. Over-Represented. Over It! - Christopher Emzin, Tækniháskólinn í Queensland (M102)
- How to better respond to the public need of police presence - an evaluation of a new scheduling model for patrolling officers in Sweden - Linnea Littman og Petra Bergnor, Sænska afbrotavarnaráðið (N101)
- Samstarf Fiskistofu og lögreglu varðandi fiskveiðibrot - Elín Björg Ragnarsdóttir, Fiskistofa (M101)
- Police Understaffing: A Comparative Study of Iceland and Pakistan - Shaukat Ali Sheikh, Pakistanska lögreglan (Punjab) (M102)
- When integration fails: the impact of budget cuts and staff shortages on the operational functioning of the Belgian ‘integrated’ police - Jelle Janssens, Ghent háskóli (N101)
- Sýnileiki lögreglu á Íslandi, traust og viðhorf til lögmætis - Rannveig Þórisdóttir, Embætti Ríkislögreglustjóra (M101)
- Demand deflection in cases of RASSO: The drivers and the consequences - Emma Williams, Richard Harding og Jennifer Norman, Opni háskólinn (M102)
SECOND KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Building and Maintaining Police Workforces: A Systems Perspective - Jeremy Wilson, Ríkisháskóli Michigan (N101)
‘Without uniform, I am a community member, uncle, brother, granddad’: Community policing in Australia’s remote Torres Strait Region - John Scott, Tækniháskólinn í Queensland (N101)
- Áföll, streita og kulnun í starfi: Hvað er til ráða? - Ágústa Gústafsdóttir, Embætti Ríkislögreglustjóra og Ólafur Örn Bragason, Mennta- og starfsþróunarsetur lögreglu (M101)
- Academic drift within the police education and the police profession in Sweden - Magnus Persson og Cecilia Jonsson, Linnaeus háskóli í Växjö (M102)
- Police Interviewing Techniques in South Africa: Application Appraised Against the Constitution - Constant L. van Graan, Albert P. van Zyl og Vera Roos, Norðvestur háskóli (N101)
- Lögregla og lýðræðishlutverk háskóla - Sigurður Kristinsson, Háskólinn á Akureyri (M101)
- „Ég ætla aldrei aftur í samfélagsþjónustu“: Upplifun, reynsla og afstaða einstaklinga í samfélagsþjónustu - Bryndís Rós Bjarnadóttir, Fangelsismálastofnun ríkisins (M102)
- Public Communications and its Challenges in the Finnish Police - Lina Sahramäki og Pirjo Jukarainen, Finnski lögregluháskólinn (N101)
- Beiting lögregluvalds á tæpasta vaði - Bjarni Már Magnússon, Háskólinn á Bifröst (M101)
- Búsetuaðstæður fyrrum fanga á Íslandi: Stuðningur til betrunar - Elsa Dögg Lárusdóttir, Háskóli Íslands (M102)
- Restorative justice, policing, and violent crime - Anamika Twyman-Ghoshal, Jonathan Hobson og Daniel P Ash, Gloucestershire háskóli og Rebecca Banwell-Moore, Nottingham háskóli (N101)
- Afnám refsinga fyrir vörslu á fíkniefnum til eigin nota og mannekla lögreglu - Helgi Gunnlaugsson, Háskóli Íslands (M101)
- Solving the Hiring Crisis: Finding What Works Through Internal Research - Terry Cherry og Anthony Gibson, Lögreglan í Charleston (M102)
Happy Hour from 16:30 to 19:00 at the Icelandair Hotel and Conference Dinner at 19:00 at Icelandair Hotel
- Disrupting cyber-threats on the edges of the rule of law - Carlos José Calleja Ahmad, Norski lögregluháskólinn (N101)
- Hvað er rökstuddur grunur? Guðmundur Heiðar Frímannsson, Háskólinn á Akureyri (M101)
- Police research and forensic linguistics – a Swedish perspective - Sofia Ask og Joacim Lindh, Linnaeus háskóli í Växjö (M102)
- Examining the Recruitment of Police Online: An Exploratory Study - Christopher Copeland, Tarleton ríkisháskólinn og Fulbright sérfræðingur á sviði netöryggismála (N101)
- Hverjum ber að hlýða? Kenning um vald og hlýðni við yfirvöld - Haukur Ingi Jónasson, Háskólinn í Reykjavík (M101)
- Icelandic police recruits’ attitudes toward routine police armament - Guðmundur Oddsson (M102)
- Residential Change Profiles among Nonmetropolitan Counties, Crime, and Law Enforcement Personnel in the United States - Eileen Avery, Missouri háskóli (N101)
- Dauðsföll barna af völdum ofbeldis á Íslandi - Freydís Jóna Freysteinsdóttir, Háskóli Íslands (M101)
- Us vs them in a community policing framework: Both together and apart in Irish policing - Courtney Marsh, Ghent háskóli (M102)
- How operational resourcing decisions and workload affect the behavioural motivations of police officers engaged in domestic abuse incident work - Daniel P Ash, Gloucestershire háskóli (N101)
- Notkun upplýsingamiðaðrar löggæslu við forgangsröðun rannsókna á peningaþvætti - Jónas Orri Jónasson, Inga Dóra Jóhannsdóttir og Tara Sif Khan, Lögreglan á Höfuðborgarsvæðinu (M101)
- Policing measures to prevent radicalization, extremism and hate speech - Eyrún Eyþórsdóttir, Háskólinn á Akureyri og Steven Avanzato-Driesner, Kölnarháskóli og Ríkislögreglan í Berlín (M102)
- The impact of austerity measures on the resourcing of football policing and applications for football banning orders in England & Wales - Richard Hester, Gloucestershire háskóli (N101)
- Félagslegt taumhald í litlum samfélögum - Gréta Bergrún Jóhannesdóttir, Háskólinn á Akureyri (M101)
- Áhrif Covid 19 faraldursins á andlega líðan lögreglumanna - streituvaldandi og verndandi þættir skoðaðir - Sigríður Björk Þormar og Heiðdís B. Valdimarsdóttir, Háskólinn í Reykjavík (M102)
- A Comparative Analysis of the Covid-lockdowns and Domestic Violence in 8 European Countries - Joachim Kersten, Þýski lögregluháskólinn (N101)
- Fámenn rannsókn og fækkun afbrota - Hrannar Hafberg, Háskólinn á Akureyri (M101)
- Löggæsla í fjölbreyttu samfélagi - Margrét Valdimarsdóttir, Háskólinn á Akureyri (M102)
- Beyond the Numbers: Why quality matters more than quantity in contemporary policing - Andrew Paul Hill, Háskólinn á Akureyri (N101)
- Orsakir og afleiðingar langs málsmeðferðar kynferðisbrotamála - Júlí Ósk Antonsdóttir, Háskólinn á Akureyri (M101)
FINAL WORD: Guðmundur Oddsson, Háskólinn á Akureyri (N101)
agenda (PDF) Abstract (PDF)
Note: both PDF documents are in Icelandic
Keynote speakers
Silje Bringsrud Fekjær
A Professor at the Centre for the Study of Professions, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. Her research interests include recruitment and careers in the police, police culture, gender, ethnicity and professions. In her research, she uses surveys, experimental survey designs and administrative register data. From 2009–2015, Fekjær worked as an associate professor at the Norwegian Police University College. Fekjær is currently the acting pro-rector at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet).

Jeremy M. Wilson
A Professor at the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University (MSU), where he also founded and directed the Program on Police Consolidation and Shared Services and the Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection. Prior to joining MSU, Dr Wilson was a Behavioral Scientist at the RAND Corporation, where he led the development of the Center on Quality Policing and the Police Recruitment and Retention Clearinghouse. He has held a wide variety of appointments and honorary titles at prestigious institutions around the world and has served as an instructor for numerous law enforcement, brand protection, and supply chain training programs. As a scholar, educator, advisor, and consultant, Dr Wilson has collaborated with government and police agencies, multinational corporations, communities, task forces, professional associations, and other public and private entities throughout the U.S. and the world on many complex public safety problems. Among other areas, he has authored over 160 publications for practitioners and scholars on police staffing and personnel planning, organizational consolidation, resource allocation, performance assessment and ROI, data and measurement, empirical modelling, evaluation, brand protection, product counterfeiting, and intellectual property. The Police Section of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences honoured him with the O.W. Wilson Award for his lifetime contributions to police research and practice. Click here for more information.

Useful information
- The conference will be held on October 5 and 6, 2022, in the Miðborg house of the University of Akureyri, specifically in rooms N101, M101 and M102. The conference runs from 9:00 Wednesday, October 5 to 12:35 Thursday, October 6
- The conference registration fee is €50 per person and the program, coffee and refreshments are included (pay on the spot when registering). The registration fee is waived for presenters. University students attend free of charge. Conference attendees pay for their own travel and accommodation
- There will be a conference dinner Wednesday, October 5
- Several airlines fly to Iceland, including Icelandair and Niceair
- Icelandair flies from Reykjavík to Akureyri, see here
Facebook Event
Further information
Guðmundur Oddsson, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Akureyri (goddsson@unak.is; tel. +3544608677).