27. mars 2019 kl. 12:00-13:00
Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in developing countries and conflict/post-conflict societies through research and education.
The objective of the United Nations University Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme (UNU-GEST) is to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in developing countries and conflict/post-conflict societies through research and education. Its main activity has been the five-month intensive 30 ECTS postgraduate diploma programme, which is both academic and practical, and based on theoretical and empirical approaches. The students are offered a curriculum that exposes them to highly interdisciplinary and international curriculum. Its main target group is professionals working for government and civil society organizations as well as promising students pursuing their MA or PhD studies in developing countries, conflict and post-conflict societies undergoing reconstruction. Since the start of the programme, 109 fellows from 21 countries have graduated from UNU-GEST with a post graduate diploma. This semester, 23 fellows from 13 countries attend the programme, expecting to graduate in May 2019.
Lensa Biyena finished a law degree in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Since her graduation she has worked as an assistant judge, legal advisor and assistant legal researcher. Lensa has participated in and founded several initiatives that mainly advocate for education, child and women‘s rights. She has furthermore provided legal aid to victims of gender based violence.
Valens Mphezu is an Agricultural Gender Roles Officer at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security in Malawi. Valens is one of the pioneers within the Ministry in implementing the Household Methodology which is a gender equality promotion tool in the agricultural sector in Malawi.
Admission free, all welcome