Stuttmyndasýningin Ad Hoc er samvinnuverkefni skiptinema við HA, Akureyrarbæjar og Háskólans á Akureyri. Sýndar verða 9 stuttmyndir eftir kvenkyns leikstjóra.
Skiptinemarnir Iris, Paulina, Lila og Salomé hafa ekki setið auðum hönum síðan þær komu sem skiptinemar til Akureyrar á dögunum.
Fimmtudaginn 13. apríl milli kl. 17 og 19 standa þær í samvinnu við Akureyrarbæ og Háskólann á Akureyri fyrir stuttmyndasýningunni Ad Hoc.
Vinkonurnar deila ástríðu fyrir kvikmyndum og eftir mikla íhugun ákváðu þær að bjóða upp á kvikmyndir frá mismunandi löndum og allar leikstýrðar af konum.
„Sem konur, femínistar og aðgerðarsinnar, viljum við að þessi sýning sé tækifæri til að varpa ljósi á starfið konur víðsvegar að úr heiminum. Kvikmyndirnar segja sögur frá ólíkum menningarheimum með einstöku sjónarhorni kvenna“, segir í fréttatilkynningu frá hópnum.
Sýningin fer fram í stofu M102 í Háskólanum á Akureyri og sýndar verða 7 stuttmyndir. Að loknum sýningum verður efnt til umræðu.
Aðgangur er ókeypis og allir velkomnir.
Heildartími: 90 mín. | Enskur texti
Goodbye, Jérôme! | Chloé Farr, Gabrielle Selnet, Adam Sillard | Animation | France | 7’ | 2021
Having just arrived in paradise, Jerome sets out to fi nd his wife Maryline. In the course of his search, he sinks into a surreal and colorful world in which no one seems to be able to help him.
Umbilical | Danski Tang | Animation, Documentary | USA, China | 7’ | 2023
An animated documentary exploring how my mother’s abusive relationship with my father shaped my own experiences in a boarding school as a child in China. The societal pressures on my mother to hide her abuse and her desire to protect me ultimately created a situation where I was subjected to the same societal pressures. Our shared desires for intimacy, safety, and normalcy have been constantly at odds with the realities that surround us. Through a conversation as adults, my mother and I learn to understand each other and support one another.
Oysters | Maïa Descamps | Fiction | Belgium | 23’ | 2021
At a bachelorette party, Charlotte, 30, gets together with old friends she has not seen for a long time. The excitement of the party is marked with apprehension and undercurrents. Charlotte has a secret she has painfully kept to herself. Mouths stay shut like the oysters these women are busy opening. But as shells shatter and hands are torn, truth rises to the surface.
Eastern Romance | Anna Jasińska | Animation | Poland | 9’ | 2021
A beautiful Nymph falls in love, a young man who will do anything for her. She uses it to fulfi ll her bloody whims. When a lover plucks his own Adam's apple for her, he dies at her feet. A curse is imposed on the Nymph. They rot and sting her legs. The only way to get rid of the spell is to kiss true love.
Granny's sexual life | Urška Djukić, Emilie Pigeard | Animation | Slovenia, France | 14’ | 2021
Four old women refl ect on their memories of old times when they were young and how diff erent the relationships between men and women were back then. Their voices merge into one single voice, that of grandmother Vera, who tells her story in proper detail. A trip into grandmother’s youth and the memories of her intimate life illustrate the status of Slovenian women in the fi rst half of the 20th century.
Love, Dad | Diana Cam Van Nguyen | Animation, Experimental | Czechia, Slovakia | 13’ | 2021
A short fi lm about ties and gaps between a child and a parent. The author rediscovers love letters her dad used to write her from prison. That love seems to be gone now. She decides to write back in hope to fi nd the connection again. She puts in writing what could not be said: blaming him for the family´s break-up but also trying to understand.
Finn’s Heel | Kato Custers | Fiction | Belgium | 17’ | 2022
The film tells the coming-of-age story of Arthur and Finn. Those two boys meet at boxing lessons at the club where Finn’s father is a coach. Arthur, aft er witnessing an argument between Finn and his strict father, off ers to help.